
Murkowski Demands Missing Report on Stimulus Jobs in Indian Country

Senator Joins Barrasso in Seeking Accountability on Stimulus Spending

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Lisa Murkowski wrote to Department of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar regarding the DOI’s failure to issue the American Indian Population and Labor Report as required by law.  In a letter (attached) sent from Murkowski and her colleague on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), they criticize the DOI for failing to release vital labor information which will help Congress, Alaska Natives and Indian tribes evaluate employment conditions in Indian Country.  They also believe taxpayers deserve information about the effectiveness of the $3 billion provided to Indian country as part of the Obama administration’s 2009 stimulus bill.

Senators Barrasso and Murkowski write:

“We agree that the ARRA was not a solution for growing Indian Country economies. Yet the Department is withholding information which will assist Congress and Indian tribes in evaluating the effectiveness of ARRA, economic conditions and developing strategies for long-term economic growth.

“Despite assurances from officials within the Department of Interior that they will meet their statutory obligations, the Department has failed to comply with the reporting requirements of the 1992 Act.  We ask that you immediately release the report, or in the alternative, provide a complete explanation as to why the Department of Interior, despite prior assurances otherwise, has failed to comply with the law,”


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