
KSRM: Sun Shines On Arctic Coastal Plain

Senator Lisa Murkowski R-AK: “This is a very historic day of course, but it’s also…winter solstice…the shortest day, the darkest day…for us in Alaska we have had some pretty dark days recently.”

Love her for working across the aisle or hate her for being a RHINO, no one can take away this magic moment from Senator Lisa Murkowski. It’s a message Alaska’s Congressional Delegation has dreamed about delivering.

Senator Lisa Murkowski R-AK: “With passage finally, almost 40 years later, to allow us to open up the 1002 area, this is a bright day for Alaska.”

Moments before handing the spotlight over to Murkowski, President Donald Trump Wednesday stood in front of the White House offering antidotes on the improbable quest of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration.

President Donald Trump: ” They tried in Ronald Reagan, they tried with the Bushes, they tried with everybody. They never got ANWR, but we got ANWR in this bill. So we have ANWR, we have mandate.” 

Murkowski is credited with entering the ANWR opening language into H.R. 1 Tax Cuts And Job Act as she chaired the committee in charge of the jobs portion of the bill.

By:  Dorene Lorenz
Source: KSRM