
KTVA: Murkowski helps introduce resolution honoring indigenous women

March is Women's History Month, and U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is helping to introduce a resolution honoring indigenous women.

The resolution, co-sponsored by New Mexico U.S. Senator Tom Udall, honors the heritage, culture, and successes of Alaska Native, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian women and how they've help shaped the nation.

"The influence of women like Elizabeth Peratrovich who fought for civil rights and against widespread discrimination against Alaska Natives was truly monumental," Murkowski said. "Women like Elizabeth should be celebrated, commended, and remembered for generations to come. My hope is that by honoring them, we are also inspiring a future generation of leaders."

"As vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, I will continue to fight for legislation and policies that will honor the legacy of their work and ensure future generations of Native women have the tools, rights, and opportunities they need to thrive," Udall said.

In a statement, the two senators said the resolution highlights the importance of promoting equity, providing safety, and upholding the interests of strong, diverse women.

By:  Jeff Bridges
Source: KTVA