
KTVA: Murkowski says new energy bill will benefit Alaskans

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she will file the American Energy Innovation Act as a substitute amendment to United States Senate Bill 2657, a bill she introduced that lawmakers are debating this week.

Murkowski says the package includes more than 50 energy-related bills and focuses on many areas that will benefit Alaskans including:

  • Mineral security
  • Energy storage
  • Efficiency
  • Cybersecurity
  • Solar and wind
  • Geothermal
  • Marine energy and hydropower
  • Advanced nuclear - through micro-reactors
  • Microgrids and hybrid microgrids
  • State loan program eligibility
  • Workforce development

“Alaska is a natural proving ground for new technologies and an incubator for innovation,” Murkowski said. “My new bill will help Alaskans pioneer new technologies, ranging from renewables to energy storage and even advanced nuclear, to help lower local energy costs. It will also protect our cybersecurity, enable Alaska to produce more of the minerals needed for clean technologies, and help us meet the rising threat of climate change.”

Murkowski said the bill is meant to update policy that hasn't been updated for more than a decade.

By:  Jennifer Summers
Source: KTVA