
Must Read Alaska: Murkowski bills focus on Native Alaskans, women


Sen. Lisa Murkowski has shifted her focus in recent weeks. She has paid more attention to issues affecting Native Alaskans, particularly women and children, with several bills specific to their concerns of these Alaskans. Since Jan. 1, nearly half of Murkowski’s sponsored or cosponsored legislation has dealt with this part of the Alaska population.

Here’s a look at the legislation she has her name on this year that pertain to Alaska Natives, women, and children, with links to the specific language of the bills:

S.290 Cosponsored  — A bill to protect Native children and promote public safety in Indian country. 01/31/19

S.288 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend the Indian Civil Rights Act of 1968 to extend the jurisdiction of tribal courts to cover crimes involving sexual violence, and for other purposes. 01/31/19

S.211 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 to secure urgent resources vital to Indian victims of crime, and for other purposes. 01/29/19

S.256 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend the Native American Programs Act of 1974 to provide flexibility and reauthorization to ensure the survival and continuing vitality of Native American languages. 01/29/19

S.224 Sponsored  — A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Tanana Tribal Council located in Tanana, Alaska, and to the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation located in Dillingham, Alaska, and for other purposes. 01/29/19

S.227 Sponsored  — A bill to direct the Attorney General to review, revise, and develop law enforcement and justice protocols appropriate to address missing and murdered Indians, and for other purposes. 01/25/19

S.126 Sponsored  — A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a demonstration program to adapt the successful practices of providing foreign aid to underdeveloped economies to the provision of Federal economic development assistance to Native communities in similarly situated remote areas in the United States, and for other purposes. 01/15/19

S.3247 Cosponsored  — Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Act of 2018 01/09/19

By:  Suzanne Downing
Source: Must Read Alaska