
September Designated “Alaska Wild Salmon Month”

Murkowski’s Resolution Passes Senate

The Senate passed U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski’s resolution recognizing September as “Alaska Wild Salmon Month,” which was cosponsored by U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan. The resolution celebrates and raises awareness of the sustainable Alaska wild salmon industry and its contributions to the health and economy of the nation. 

“Alaskans are tremendously proud of our wild salmon. This bountiful resource has helped sustain our entire state for thousands of years. Alaska’s fisheries remain the most abundant and sustainably managed in the nation,” said Senator Murkowski. “Educating others about the strength of our fisheries, and the efforts to ensure that our wild stocks remain strong and healthy is so important. I thank my Senate colleagues for joining me in celebrating this tremendous resource.”


Commercial Fishing

Resolution Highlights:

  • The sustainable Alaska wild salmon commercial fishery contributes over 38,000 jobs and nearly $2,000,000,000 in annual labor income to the United States economy;
  • The commercial Alaska wild salmon harvest comprises approximately 50 percent of the wild salmon caught worldwide;
  • The sport fishing industry of the State of Alaska generates $500,000,000 in economic output and creates 4,500 jobs annually;
  • Wild salmon returning to Alaskan streams and rearing young in Alaskan water are the basis for one of the most valuable and important industries of the State of Alaska;
  • Commercial and sport salmon fishing and processing provides the greatest number of private-sector employment opportunities in the State of Alaska;
  • Many Alaskans depend heavily on subsistence-caught wild salmon for food and cultural purposes;
  • Alaska Natives have relied on Alaska wild salmon for thousands of years, and Alaska wild salmon continues to comprise up to 70 percent of the subsistence harvest of many Alaska Native communities.

Related Issues: Alaska's Fisheries