
Murkowski Votes to Confirm EPA Administrator

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement after voting to confirm Andrew Wheeler to be Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator:

“Andrew Wheeler has proven himself during his tenure as Acting EPA Administrator as a leader who hears and takes seriously the concerns of Alaskans, and I believe he will continue to carry out the EPA’s mission to ensure that we have clean air, clean water, as well as addressing significant challenges like climate change. Alaskans have voiced loudly their objections to overreaching, burdensome regulations that they have seen come out of the EPA in the previous administration. It’s important that the agency remains focused on its core mission,” said Senator Murkowski. “I intend to continue to press Administrator Wheeler on issues of concern raised by Alaskans and to hold him to his promise and commitment to ensuring accountability, fairness, and transparency by the agency.”

Senator Murkowski is chairman of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, which controls funding levels for the EPA.