
Grant Roundup: Senator Murkowski Announces Federal Grants to Alaska

Over $278 million in federal funds to benefit and strengthen Alaskan communities and economy

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the senior Senator for Alaska and member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, announced the following grants to organizations, Tribal entities, and communities in Alaska:

  • Alaska—Statewide: $115.4 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for housing and community development activities ranging from affordable housing development to public housing modernization to economic opportunities for people with low and moderate incomes.
  • AlaskaStatewide: $1.6 million from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) State and Regional Primary Care Associations for the Alaska Primary Care Association. 
  • Alaska—Statewide: $334,148 from the Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service Emergency Food Assistance Program to the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development.
  • AlaskaStatewide: $35.1 million from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program for the Alaska Federation of Natives. 
  • AlaskaStatewide: $4.4 million in funding from the bipartisan Infrastructure Law from the Department of the Interior for ecosystem restoration projects.
  • AlaskaStatewide: $584,000 in grants from NeighborWorks America to members of the national NeighborWorks network serving Alaska.
  • Alaska—Statewide: $706,300 to the University of Alaska Anchorage for a program to provide manufacturing extension services to primarily small and medium-sized manufacturers in the state related to Cyber Security, Enterprise Resource Planning, new product design, Industry 4.0 and workforce development.
  • Alaska Native Justice Center: $200,000 from Indian Health Service (IHS) Domestic Violence Prevention Program to the Alaska Native Justice Center.
  • Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium: $200,000 from IHS Domestic Violence Prevention Program to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium.
  • Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association: $200,000 from IHS Domestic Violence Prevention Program to the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association. 
  • Anchorage: $2.2 million from the Department of Transportation (DOT) for Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport taxi lane reconstruction.
  • Anchorage: $2.3 million from the HHS Head Start Projects for Kids’ Corps Head Start. 
  • Anchorage: $297,601 from the Department of Education Upward Bound Program for the University of Alaska Anchorage.
  • Anchorage: $299,997 from the NSF to the University of Alaska Anchorage for a project entitled, “RUI: Photochemical Pathways and Photoproducts of Current and Emerging Sub-Arctic Aquatic Contaminants.”
  • Anchorage: $3.3 million from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport to acquire snow removal equipment.
  • Anchorage: $400,000 from the Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Aftercare (SAPTA) program for the Southcentral Foundation.
  • Anchorage: $419,144 from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to the University of Alaska Anchorage for a project entitled, “Collaborative Research: Sustainable management of human organic pollutant exposure (HOPE) at formerly used defense sites in the changing Arctic.”
  • Anchorage: $815,931 from the FAA for the Merrill Field Airport.
  • Akutan: $112,236 from the FAA for the Akutan Airport projects.
  • Atmautluak: $434,550 from the FAA for the Atmautluak Airport, specifically for snow removal equipment.
  • Brevig Mission: $15.768 million from the FAA for reconstructing runway and taxiway lighting and other runway rehabilitation at Brevig Mission Airport.
  • Bristol Bay Borough: $1.5 million from the HHS Health Center Cluster Program to the Bristol Bay Borough. 
  • Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes: $1.9 million from the HHS Head Start Indian Grants program for the Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes.
  • Chefornak: $31.2 million from the FAA for airport runway reconstruction and rehabilitation, including runway and taxi lighting.
  • Cook Inlet Tribal Council: $400,000 from the HHS SAPTA program for the Cook Inlet Tribal Council.
  • Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments: $584,294 from the HHS Head Start Indian Grants program for the Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments.
  • Deadhorse: $841,940 from the FAA for the Deadhorse Airport.
  • Dena’ Nena’ Henash: $1.4 million from the HHS Birth to Five program for Dena’ Nena’ Henash.
  • Dena’ Nena’ Henash: $400,000 from the HHS Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Aftercare (SAPTA) program for Dena’ Nena’ Henash.
  • Dillingham: $434,550 from the FAA for the Dillingham Airport, specifically for snow removal equipment.
  • Eyak: $98,258 from the IMLS NANH grant program for the Connections to the Past project.
  • Fairbanks: $1.6 million from the EPA Diesel Emission Reduction Act National Grants program for the Tanana Chiefs Conference.
  • Fairbanks: $200,000 from IHS Domestic Violence Prevention Program to the Fairbanks Native Association. 
  • Fairbanks: $34,221 from the NSF to the University of Alaska Fairbanks for a project entitled, “Doctoral Dissertation Research: Colonial Encounters of Sami Reindeer Herders in Alaska.”
  • Fairbanks: $85,239 from the NSF to the University of Alaska Fairbanks for a project entitled, “Collaborative Research: Sustainable management of human organic pollutant exposure (HOPE) at formerly used defense sites in the changing Arctic.”
  • Girdwood: $1.0 million from the HHS Health Center Cluster Program to the Girdwood Health Clinic.
  • Grayling: $434,550 from the FAA for the Grayling Airport.
  • Haines: $2.3 million from the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency to the Haines Borough for permanent repairs to Young Road as a result of FEMA-DR-4585-AK (Severe Storm, Flooding, Landslides, And Mudslides).
  • Healy: $500,000 from the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration through the Broadband Connectivity Program for Healy Lake Village.
  • Homer: $1.19 million from the FAA for the Homer Airport, specifically related to snow removal equipment.
  • Hoonah: $1.5 million from the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency to the city of Hoonah for road repairs as a result of FEMA-DR-4585-AK (Severe Storms, Flooding, Mudslides, and Landslides).
  • Hooper Bay: $434,550 from the FAA for the Hooper Bay Airport, specifically for snow removal equipment.
  • Huslia: $434,550 from the FAA for the Huslia Airport.
  • Juneau: $1.8 million from the FAA for the Juneau International Airport, as well as $187,500 to replace the existing Gate 5 passenger boarding bridge.
  • Kake: $90,472 from the FAA for the Kake Airport runway projects.
  • Kenaitze Indian Tribe: $400,000 from the SAPTA program for the Kenaitze Indian Tribe.
  • Ketchikan: $1.9 million from NTIA Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program for the Cape Fox Corporation. 
  • Kiana: $434,550 from the FAA for the Bob Baker Memorial Airport.
  • Kodiak: $200,000 from IHS Domestic Violence Prevention Program to the Kodiak Area Native Association.
  • Kodiak: $4.8 million loan from the Department of Agriculture Rural Development program to improve Kodiak Island Borough's landfill and cap a landfill cell.
  • Kodiak: $400,000 from the HHS SAPTA program for the Kodiak Area Native Association.
  • Koniag: $94,376 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services (NANH) grant program for the Quliyanguarwik-Storytelling Place project.
  • Kotzebue: $2.5 million from the NTIA Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program for the Kotzebue IRA. 
  • Kotzebue: $7.8 million from the FAA for rehabilitating the runway and taxiway at the Ralph Wein Memorial Airport.
  • Koyukuk: $434,500 from the FAA for the Koyukuk Airport.
  • Larsen Bay: $375,000 from the FAA for runway and taxiway construction projects at the Larsen Bay Airport.
  • Maniilaq Association: $200,000 from IHS Domestic Violence Prevention Program to the Maniilaq Association. 
  • Nenana: $3.1 million from the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Grant Program to the Alaska Railroad Corporation for replacing an aging bridge on Alaska Railroad Corporation’s (ARRC) main rail route between Anchorage and Fairbanks.
  • Nenana: $3.1 million from the DOT Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements Grant Program for the Alaska Railroad Corporation.
  • Nenana: $878,942 from the FAA for the Nenana Municipal Airport.
  • Ninilchik: $100,000 from the IMLS NANH grant program for the Q'eschil Heritage Center project.
  • Nome: $372,664 from the SAPTA program for the Norton Sound Health Corporation.
  • Nome: $1.9 million from the HHS Head Start Indian Grants program Kawerak, Inc.
  • Noorvik: $1.9 million from the FAA for the Robert (Bob) Curtis Memorial Airport.
  • Perryville: $436,275 from the FAA for the Perryville Airport. 
  • Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP): $4.3 million from the HHS Head Start Projects program for RurAL CAP.
  • Russian Mission: $327,207 from the FAA for the Russian Mission Airport.
  • Scammon Bay: $539,063 from the FAA to conduct a new airport feasibility study.
  • Sealaska: $96,250 from the IMLS NANH grant program for the Enhancing Digital Stewardship and Increasing Access to Sealaska Heritage Institute's Indigenous Archives project.
  • Sitka: $2.4 million from the HHS Health Center Cluster Program to Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium. 
  • Skagway: $2.0 million from the NTIA Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program for the Skagway Traditional Council. 
  • Soldotna: $360,000 from the Economic Development Administration for the Soldotna Riverfront Plan, to redevelop a portion of its downtown, resulting in a new ‘main street’ adjacent to the Kenai River, with infrastructure and amenities that will improve the quality of the built environment for residents and visitors in Alaska.
  • Southcentral Foundation: $200,000 from IHS Domestic Violence Prevention Program to Southcentral Foundation.
  • Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium: $400,000 from the SAPTA program for the Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium.
  • Tetlin: $124,967 from the Environmental Protection Agency Indian Environmental General Assistance Program for the Native Village of Tetlin.
  • Tok: $525,000 from the FAA for the Tok Junction Airport.
  • Wasilla: $754,600 from the FAA for a new airport master plan study of the Wasilla Airport.
  • Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation: $1.1 million from the HHS Health Center Cluster Program to the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation. 

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