
Alaska Congressional Delegation Applauds Justice Department Announcement on Initiative to Combat Violent Crime

Anchorage Named as National Public Safety Partnership Site

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, all R-Alaska, today all thanked the Department of Justice for selecting Anchorage, Alaska as one of ten new National Public Safety Partnership (PSP) sites. This program aims to support areas with elevated crime rates, providing a framework for increasing federal support for tribal, local, and state law enforcement officials.

“Anchorage is facing alarmingly high rates of violent crimes and addressing this issue will take coordination at the federal, state, and local level—an all hands on deck approach,” said the Delegation. “At a time when areas in Alaska are struggling so much with crime, we are encouraged to know the Department of Justice has chosen Anchorage as one of the new PSP sites. We are hopeful that this is the first step of many public safety initiatives from the Department of Justice. We can’t ignore the reality of what’s happening in these communities. As a delegation, we are committed to continuing our efforts in conjunction with the administration to combat the devastating epidemic of violent crime. 

Background: The DOJ launched the National Public Safety Partnership initiative in June 2017, in response to the February 9, 2017 Executive Order issued by President Donald Trump, directing the agency to lead a nationwide push to combat violent crime.

For more information on PSP, click here: http://www.nationalpublicsafetypartnership.org.