
Alaska Congressional Delegation Backs Governor’s Request for Federal Aid

Delegation Joins Gov. Dunleavy in Request for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, all R-Alaska, sent a letter urging President Donald Trump to act promptly and approve Alaska Governor Michael Dunleavy’s (R-AK) request for a Presidential Major Disaster Declaration. This declaration would provide federal assistance for the State of Alaska to address the major earthquake that occurred on November 30, 2018, as well as impacts caused by subsequent aftershocks.

In their letter, the Alaska Congressional Delegation explained the widespread damage caused by the earthquake.

“On November 30, 2018, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake located seven miles north of Anchorage produced widespread destruction and severe damage to major highways and important public roads, bridges, and rail infrastructure; widespread power, water, and communication disruption; structural collapse and resulting fires to several buildings; and severe damage to private homes, personal property, and businesses,” said the Congressional Delegation. “Since that time Alaska and Alaskans have been rattled by thousands of aftershocks, the first of which followed the main earthquake by minutes; the most recent of which, registering at 4.3, occurred on January 2, 2019.”

The Congressional Delegation also applauded Alaskans for their timely response, but also reiterated the need for additional federal assistance. 

“There is much more that needs to be done. Governor Dunleavy indicated in his request that the damage was of such severity and scale that additional federal assistance is necessary to supplement the actions of our State agencies,” the Delegation said. “Though the spring thaw may provide a more comprehensive understanding of the extent of the damage, it is crucial that Alaska has the resources necessary to continue the process of rebuilding.” 

The full text of the letter can be found by clicking here.  

For more information on the FEMA Disaster Declaration process, click here