
Corps of Engineers Pledges Engagement, Transparency on Fort Greely Biomass Plant

Murkowski Gets Commitment on Delta Junction Community Meeting

WASHINGTON, DC — Senator Lisa Murkowski today pushed the U.S. Corps of Engineers for progress and improved engagement with the Delta Junction community as the Corps proceeds with the Fort Greely biomass plant project – which could provide efficient, affordable electricity for the region within a few years.

Having just met with several members of the Delta Junction community last week (picture below), she shared their frustrations at not having been engaged by the Corps of Engineers for their input, comments and suggestions.  The Commander of the Corps of Engineers pledged to her (video clip below) that the Corps would get actively involved and hold community meetings to boost public support and transparency in the process.

“You have my commitment on that,” responded General Thomas Bostick, Commander of the U.S. Corps of Engineers. “We will work together with the team to make sure the federal, state and localities in the state are all involved.”

Senator Murkowski gets firm commitment– CLICK for video

Murkowski Meets With Delta Junction residents       
