
Legislation Holding Iran, Russia Accountable Passes Senate

Bill Imposes New Sanctions

Today the U.S. Senate passed S.722, the Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017, co-sponsored by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). This legislation both upholds and strengthens existing U.S. sanctions against Iran, and includes an amendment to impose new sanctions on Russia.

“We now know that the Obama administration’s flawed Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action has not caused Iran to abandon its destabilizing ambitions. It continues to test ballistic missiles, engages in provocative conduct across the region, and remains a significant state sponsor of terrorism. These new sanctions make it clear to the world that the United States will not look the other way when Iran threatens the security of our allies, particularly the State of Israel,” said Murkowski. “Today we also send a strong signal to the Russian government that their conduct is unacceptable, whether it involves interference in US democratic processes through hacking and misinformation, their efforts to bolster the Assad regime in Syria, or their threats to the sovereignty of an independent, democratic Ukraine.”

The bill also includes a resolution reaffirming the Unites States’ commitment to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).