
Murkowski: Americans Weren’t Daunted or Divided By 9/11

Senator Remembers September 11th Attacks and Their Impacts on Alaska, America

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Lisa Murkowski today shared her observations and reflections with Alaskans on the twelfth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks:

(Click image to watch Senator Murkowski’s 9/11 statement)

“It has now been twelve years since the horrific attacks on 9/11 that took thousands of American lives in New York City, at the Pentagon and in an airplane crash that broke the stillness of a Pennsylvania farmland morning.  Though Alaskans were thousands of miles away from those sites, we were all a single community, worrying and grieving with the entire nation.

“Americans didn’t allow ourselves to be daunted or divided.  Instead, we faced down fear and sprinted into dangerous situations to rescue survivors, and millions of us rallied together to bring relief, aid and comfort to families impacted by these violent acts.

“Now more than ever, it is clear that 9/11 was not a single incident but the beginning of a new era of complications and struggles in the Middle East that have impacts and repercussions on America a full dozen years later.

“On behalf of a grateful state and nation, I want to thank our military men and women who continue to fight terrorism abroad and to all our nation’s first responders for all they do to help protect our homeland, and thank you Alaskans for your faith in America and the liberties we stand for.

(Click image for footage of Senator Murkowski attending a 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony)
