
Murkowski Applauds Alaskan Appointed to NOAA Fisheries Role

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement congratulating Alaskan Chris Oliver on his appointment to serve as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Assistant Administrator for Fisheries.

“I am thrilled Chris Oliver will be serving in this important role. It’s not only good for Alaska, but for the entire nation. Chris's experience, passion, and background – including his time served as Executive Director of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council – have equipped him to do this job well. As was apparent through the hundreds of Alaskans and many more from around the country who wrote to me in support of Chris, he is extremely well respected throughout the fisheries and fisheries management communities. Since January, Congressman Don Young, Senator Dan Sullivan, and I have been encouraging Secretary Ross to appoint Chris, and I could not be more pleased that he heeded Alaska's advice. Alaska’s fisheries consistently remain the most abundant and sustainably managed in the nation, and I am confident Chris will have our interests well represented and will continue to do great things for our state and country."

Related Issues: Alaska's Fisheries