Murkowski Comments on Senate Jobs Bill Vote
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement after voting against a procedural motion to move to a $15 billion jobs package.
"I was disappointed that the Senate did not take this opportunity to vote on a bipartisan bill, crafted by Sens. Grassley and Baucus, that would have addressed a number of expiring federal laws tied to job creation. The bill written by the Majority Leader left out a number of other jobs-related provisions that were in the bipartisan package, including an unemployment insurance extension and a continuation of health insurance subsidies for laid-off workers.
"The bipartisan bill also addressed an area that both business and labor have identified as a top priority - fixing the problems their pension plans have encountered due to the downturn in the market. Without relief, businesses will be required to increase contributions to make up market losses, resulting in significantly slower economic recovery, and retirees and employees will see their pensions frozen. The Majority Leader chose not to include targeted pension relief provisions in the Senate bill, among other provisions. Absent a guarantee that the Senate would take up these and other time-sensitive provisions, I could not vote to end debate on Senator Reid's closed door, unilateral bill."
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