
Murkowski Donates Library of Congress Books to Alaska Schools

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today announced donations of books from the Library of Congress to rural school districts in the unorganized areas of the state that have few local resources available for book purchases.
In recent weeks, Sen. Murkowski has sent new books and maps to the Alaska Gateway, Bering Strait, Delta-Greely, Kashunamiut, Kuspuk, Lower Kuskokwim, Lower Yukon, Pribilof and Southeast Island school districts. Over the coming weeks and months, Sen. Murkowski plans to send materials to Aleutian Region, Annette Island, Chugach, Copper River, Iditarod, Southwest Region, Yukon Flats, Yukon Koyukuk, and Yupiit school districts. 
“Many of these rural schools are without a local government or tax support and lack the resources needed to regularly purchase new materials,” Murkowski said. “In some cases, these small school libraries also double as the community library and I am glad to see that books from the Library of Congress will be put to good use in these very rural school districts.”
Under the Library of Congress’ surplus books program, the Library makes available for donation surplus materials that are not kept as part of the Library’s permanent collection. Each day, the Library receives more than 20,000 items from other libraries and federal agencies to add to its collection. These items are mostly soft or hard-bound books from a wide area of subjects, including humanities, history, and science.
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