
Murkowski Praises Edward Itta Pick for U.S. Arctic Research Commission

WASHINGTON, DC –Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to the White House intention to appoint Edward Itta of Barrow to the U.S. Arctic Research Commission with the following statement:

“As the nation works towards its Arctic future, it is imperative that we advance well-considered policy to fully leverage our potential as an Arctic Nation.  Edward Itta is an extremely intelligent choice for the United States Arctic Research Commission (USARC) as he has been considering Arctic policy and potential for his entire life – while carefully balancing it with the Native culture. 

“As Mayor of the North Slope Borough, Edward demonstrated his ability to bring people together from all sectors of government, business and science to reap benefits – and I know he will continue to do so on a national scale for the USARC.  Selecting Mayor Itta is an excellent choice for a prominent position that grows more important with every passing month.”

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