
Murkowski Presses Attorney General On “Avalanche of Leaks”

Senator Joins Colleagues in Demanding Special Counsel Investigation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski joined 26 of her Republican colleagues in demanding Attorney General Eric Holder immediately appoint a special counsel to investigate the “avalanche of leaks” originating out of the White House regarding critical classified intelligence materials.  The 27 Senators sent a letter today making their case, including references to then-Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden requesting an independent counsel on two separate occasions during the Bush presidency for lesser breaches of confidence.

Though the Justice Department has appointed two internal attorneys to look into the issue, Senator Murkowski and her colleagues believe “no Administration should be expected to investigate itself impartially on such a grave and sensitive matter in the midst of an election.”

“The numerous national security leaks reportedly originating out of the Executive Branch in recent months have been stunning,” write the senators.  “If true, they reveal details of some of our Nation’s most highly classified and sensitive military and intelligence matters, thereby risking our national security, as well as the lives of American citizens and our allies. If there were ever a case requiring an outside special counsel with bipartisan acceptance and widespread public trust, this is it.”

The letter was signed by Senator Murkowski after being circulated by Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) and also signed by Senators Lamar Alexander (TN), John Barrasso (WY), Roy Blunt (MO), John Boozman (AR), Richard Burr (NC), Saxby Chambliss (GA), Susan Collins (ME), John Cornyn (TX), Mike Crapo (ID), Jim DeMint (SC), Mike Enzi (WY), Charles Grassley (IA), John Hoeven (ND), Mike Johanns (NE), Mark Kirk (IL), John McCain (AZ), Jerry Moran (KS), Rand Paul (KY), Rob Portman (OH), James Risch (ID), Pat Roberts (KS), Marco Rubio (FL), Pat Toomey (PA), David Vitter (LA), and Roger Wicker (MS).