
Murkowski Resolution Recognizes Global Youth Service Days

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said today that this year’s “Global Youth Service Days,” as recognized in a recently passed Senate resolution that Murkowski sponsors each year, will be tomorrow through Sunday, or April 24 – 26.
“Over the weekend, beginning this Friday, April 24th, youth from across the United States and around the world will carry out community service projects in areas ranging from hunger to literacy to the environment” Murkowski said in a prepared statement submitted to the Congressional Record. “Through this service, many youth will embark on a lifelong path of service and civic engagement.”
The resolution recognizes and commends significant community service efforts that youth are making in communities across the country and encourages citizens to acknowledge and support such volunteer efforts.
Murkowski highlighted a number of projects that Alaska youths will participate in this year. Students at Steller Secondary School in Anchorage will assemble and provide gift bags containing personal hygiene products for Covenant House, which serves homeless and runaway teens. Youth at Innoko River High School have been working on a variety of research projects involving climate change and fire science in their community. And just this week, students at Chugiak High School participated in a program simulating a drunken driving collision to help educate their peers about the consequences of drunk driving.
In recognition of her continued sponsorship of the Global Youth Service Resolution since 2003, Murkowski received the 2009 Harris Wofford Public Official Award from Youth Service America earlier this week.