
Murkowski to 143rd and Families: 'The Support From Alaskans Is With You'

Senator Shares Stories, Observations from her Visit with Alaska Guardsmen

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Lisa Murkowski returned today from Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center in Edinburgh, Indiana – after visiting 118 Alaska National Guardsmen of Company B, 1st battalion (Airborne) of the 143rd Infantry Regiment preparing for a year-long deployment to Afghanistan.

“I can’t tell you not to worry about your loved ones,” Senator Murkowski said, “but I can tell you that with the level of training they are receiving at this moment, they will go to Afghanistan with a level of professionalism, a level of confidence that they need to be part of a difficult environment over there.”

Her entire message is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuSirwfLJMM

B-roll of Senator’s trip to Atterbury is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GsPohuWqf0

Click on images for video excerpts

"We are there to not only say thankyou, but to back them"               "Count on me to be your advocate"               

Senator Murkowski with SPC Edsel Huynh of Fairbanks

Senator Murkowski with Company Commander, Captain Caldwell, of Bethel

Senator Murkowski with Guardsmen from Bethel and Yukon-Kuskokwim Region

Senator Murkowski with SPC Allen Isabell of Juneau, Private Taylor Howell of Wrangell, and SSG Paul Norwood from Sitka

The Alaskan members of the 143rd Infantry regiment are currently undergoing training to support three Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in Afghanistan. Upon arrival in Afghanistan they will become part of the PRT command structure.  PRTs use diplomatic, informational, military and economic means to improve the nation’s stability. The 143rd is scheduled for 12-month deployment.
