
Murkowski Votes to Confirm new FDA Commissioner

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement today after voting to confirm Stephen Hahn as U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner:

“As a member of the Senate HELP Committee I’ve had the opportunity to have constructive dialogue with the nominee and gauge his understanding of issues of importance to Alaska,” said Senator Murkowski. “As a cancer researcher and noted oncologist, Dr. Hahn understands the need to do everything we can to ensure another generation is not addicted to tobacco products, including an increased focus on harmful e-cigarette and vaping devices. I look forward to working with him and his team to make this a priority. It’s encouraging to know that Dr. Hahn recognizes the importance of providing access to promising new therapies for devastating diseases such as ALS as well as the significance of including the patient in the development process. Bottom line, he has the experience necessary to fulfill this role.”

The Senate confirmed Hahn’s nomination in a vote of 72-18.

Last month, Senator Murkowski participated in a Senate HELP Committee nomination hearing where she raised a range of Alaska interests with Dr. Hahn, including the epidemic of e-cigarettes and vaping, ALS research, FDA seafood advice, and labeling requirements for Genetically Engineered (GE) Salmon.