
Senate Approves Resolution Honoring Ted Stevens

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United States Senate today approved by unanimous consent a resolution crafted by Sen. Lisa Murkowski that honors the life and accomplishments of Sen. Ted Stevens, who was killed Monday in a plane crash near Dillingham. Murkowski received assistance in drafting the resolution from multiple generations of former Stevens staff members.

The resolution, co-sponsored by Sen. Mark Begich and the other 98 senators, recognizes Stevens’s “significant role” in the transformation of Alaska from an impoverished territory to a full-fledged state. The resolution cites Stevens’s assistance in providing Alaska with energy facilities, hospitals and clinics, roads, docks, airports, water and sewer facilities and schools – accomplishments that earned him recognition as ‘Alaskan of the Century’ from the state legislature in 2000.

The resolution also highlights Stevens’s distinguished military record as a World War II pilot, his lead role in securing the legislation that led to Alaska statehood and his numerous Senate leadership positions, including President pro tempore and assistant Republican leader, and chairman of the Appropriations, Commerce, Governmental Affairs, Rules and Ethics committees during his 40-year Senate tenure.

The resolution singles out Stevens’s leadership role in passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

The resolution lauds Stevens’s strong support for the America’s armed forces, the U.S. Olympic movement and his ability to reach across the aisle to forge bipartisan alliances.

The resolution also recognizes Stevens as a “devoted husband, father, and grandfather who worked to promote family-friendly policies in the Federal government.”

Once the Senate returns in September, floor time will be set aside for members to recognize, reminisce about and honor Stevens and his legacy.

A copy of the Senate resolution is attached.
