
Senator Murkowski Pays Tribute to Senator John McCain

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) honored the life and legacy of her colleague, the late Senator John McCain (R-AZ), during a speech on the Senate floor, sharing stories of his impact to Alaskans, all Americans, and the United States Senate.

McCain Speech 2

(Click image for video of speech.)

Speech excerpts:

  • “John McCain was a beloved colleague.  He was a patriot.  He was truly an American hero.  He had remarkable intellect. He had an iron will most certainly, unquestionable integrity, and courage that was absolutely unwavering.”
    • “I do hope that history will remember John as an institutionalist in the highest tradition of the Senate. He was committed to thoughtful debate and regular order.  He was an effective committee chairman, respecting the interests of members on both sides. He managed his bills on the floor, working hand-in-hand with the other side.  These were tough bills.  The annual defense authorization bill draws something on the order of 600 amendments.  He was always protective of committee prerogatives.  He was known to put his foot down when appropriators sought to muscle out the authorizers.  And he was always looking towards compromise and bipartisanship.”
    • “And he fought for our institution because he never lost sight of the fact that the legislative branch is a co-equal branch of government, not subordinate to the White House.  And he took no guff from the administration, we all know – no matter who was in charge.  That wasn’t just because John liked to flex his Senatorial muscles.  It was because he was a true believer in the Constitution and in its checks and balances.  He was a true believer in the institutions of government and a true believer in democracy.”
    • “John certainly made his share of history—and has earned his place in it.  And I think we all know how much we will miss him.  His passion, his courage.  His loss leaves us sad, but at the same time, I think that it offers us a beacon of hope here in the Senate as we reflect on his life and his contributions.”
    • “Senator Graham has observed that John will not be replaced by any one Senator.  It’s going to take all of us, working together. It’s going to take all of us to really accomplish what John knew we were capable of and by coming together, respecting one another, one another’s principles – even when we disagree – and working through these disagreements.  To compromise, that’s how we really honor John’s legacy.”
    • “So, on behalf of the people of the 49th state, the great state of Alaska, I thank you John McCain.  I thank the family for the years that you gave him to us, to his country.  We will take it from here, inspired by your service John McCain, by your intellect, by your integrity, and by your determination to do right.”

Click here for text of the full speech.