Press Releases

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Murkowski urges movement on Dr. Mike Sfraga’s nomination for Ambassador-at-Large for the Arctic Region

Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), co-chair of the Senate Arctic Caucus, appeared in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to urge the committee to move on Dr. Mike Sfraga’s nomination for Ambassador-at-Large for the Arctic region. Senator Murkowski was the lead proponent on the creation of the position, which the State Department established in August 2022. Dr. Sfraga was nominated to the ambassadorship on February 13, 2023. “As Senator to the only Arcti… Continue Reading


Murkowski Congratulates Norway on Assumption of Chairship of Arctic Council

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) today released the following statement as the Chairship of the Arctic Council, the world's leading forum for intergovernmental cooperation and collaboration among the nations of the Far North, passed from Russia to Norway. "I congratulate Norway on the start of its Chairship, which arrives not a moment too soon, and look forward to a productive two-year period for the Arctic Council. We are at a critical juncture for the future of the Ar… Continue Reading


Murkowski Responds to New Biden Administration Strategy for the Arctic Region

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, (R-AK), today released the following statement after the Biden administration released an updated National Strategy for the Arctic Region: "On Monday, two Russian asylum seekers landed on St. Lawrence Island seeking freedom from conscription into a tyrant's bloody, misbegotten war. The federal agencies responsible for processing these men were more than 700 miles away and it took them an entire day to respond. What this incident makes clear is that even as Putin und… Continue Reading


U.S. State Department Announces Plan to Establish Ambassador for the Arctic Region

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), co-chair of the Senate Arctic Caucus, today applauded the announcement that the U.S. State Department has established an Ambassador-at-Large for the Arctic Region-an initiative she has persistently advocated for. "Before today, the U.S. was the only Arctic nation without dedicated diplomatic representation for the Arctic Region at the Ambassador level or higher. For years I have advocated for our country to elevate our Arctic leadership and diplomatic efforts… Continue Reading


Murkowski, Sullivan Enshrine Former U.S. Senator Ted Stevens’ Arctic Legacy through Grand Opening of Arctic Security Studies Center

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan (R-AK) took part in the grand opening of the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies. The center, named after the late Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, will support defense strategy objectives and policy priorities through a unique academic forum, while also developing robust international networks of security leaders. "The Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies-I'm so proud to be able to say that. Ted always watched out for us here in … Continue Reading


Murkowski Introduces Comprehensive Arctic Bill

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), a leader on Arctic issues, introduced the Arctic Commitment Act, comprehensive legislation to address national priorities in the Arctic Region. The bill is cosponsored by U.S. Senator Angus King (I-ME), co-chair of the Senate Arctic Caucus with Senator Murkowski. The legislation includes a wide variety of Arctic-focused provisions pertaining to national security, shipping, research, and trade. It requires reports on eliminating Russia's monopoly on Arctic ship… Continue Reading


Arctic Caucus Co-Chairs Murkowski, King Support Decisions of Arctic Organizations Amid Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Angus King (I-Maine), co-chairs of the Senate Arctic Caucus, issued the following statements commending Arctic intergovernmental forums for publicly denouncing Russia's war against Ukraine. This included a joint statement from seven nations of the Arctic Council (all but Russia) and a decision to pause all meetings and engagements in Russia. The Arctic Economic Council also announced actions. "The Arctic has long been a zone of peace where a rules-bas… Continue Reading


Murkowski, King Introduce Bill to Strengthen Diplomacy in the Arctic

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Angus King (I-ME)-co-chairs of the Senate Arctic Caucus-today introduced the Arctic Diplomacy Act of 2021, legislation which will elevate Arctic issues in U.S. foreign policy by establishing an Assistant Secretary of State for Arctic Affairs who will lead and conduct U.S. foreign policy in the Arctic region and on Arctic issues. The Senate confirmed position will be responsible for influencing decisions and behavior of Arctic nations, Arctic issues, and ac… Continue Reading


White House Announces Appointment of New U.S. Arctic Research Commissioners

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) made the following statement after the Biden Administration appointed new U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC) Commissioners and a new chair. USARAC is an independent federal agency that advises the President and Congress on domestic and international Arctic research. USARC Commissioners will include Dr. Mike Sfraga, Director of the Polar Institute at the Wilson Center (who will serve as the Chair of the Commission); Deborah Vo, who previously served as Sen… Continue Reading


Iceland President Honors Senator Murkowski for Arctic Diplomacy

On the sidelines of the Arctic Council Ministerial meeting, the President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, presented U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) with the Icelandic Order of the Falcon-the highest honor Iceland can bestow on individuals. Senator Murkowski received this prestigious honor in recognition of her efforts strengthening the relations between Iceland, Alaska and all of the United States, and for her beneficial contributions to all facets of Icelandic and Arctic societ… Continue Reading


Murkowski Takes Leadership Role in Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) was selected to serve as Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region (SCPAR), the Arctic Council's working body with permanent participants from eight Arctic countries. Senator Murkowski has represented the U.S. on the Standing Committee, as an Arctic Parliamentarian, since 2003. Being elevated to the position of Vice Chairman enables her to serve in a greater leadership role to further promote cooperation and collaboration … Continue Reading


Murkowski Arctic Priorities included in Comprehensive China Legislation

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) today announced that her legislative efforts on Arctic diplomacy were included in the base bill of the Strategic Competition Act of 2021, comprehensive, bipartisan legislation to counter China by confronting the nation's economic and geopolitical power. To ensure that the United States has adequate capacity to prevent and respond to security threats in the Arctic region, the bill addresses the need to invest in a significantly expanded icebreaker fleet. The leg… Continue Reading


ICYMI: Murkowski Meets with Secretary Blinken and NSA Sullivan

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, both R-AK, on Friday met with Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, National Security Advisor (NSA) Jake Sullivan, and the National Security Council's Asia coordinator Kurt Campbell as they traveled back to the U.S. after meetings in Japan and South Korea. (Pictured left to right: Senator Sullivan, Secretary Blinken, NSA Sullivan, Senator Murkowski.) "To be able to sit down not only with Secretary Blinken but also Jake Sullivan and Kurt Campbell… Continue Reading


Whitehouse-Murkowski Bill Would Advance Understanding of Oceans, Great Lakes, and Coasts

U.S. Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), co-chairs of the bipartisan Senate Oceans Caucus, have introduced legislation to advance data collection of the Great Lakes, oceans, bays, estuaries, and coasts. The Bolstering Long-Term Understanding and Exploration of the Great Lakes, Oceans, Bays, and Estuaries Act, or BLUE GLOBE Act, would accelerate technology innovation, plan for a stronger maritime workforce, and develop a better understanding of the Blue Economy. "There'… Continue Reading


Murkowski Questions DOE Secretary Nominee on Arctic Energy, Resource Jobs, Cybersecurity, Critical Minerals

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, took part in a U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing to consider the nomination of Jennifer M. Granholm, the former Governor of Michigan, to be the Secretary of Energy. Murkowski opened the hearing by asking Governor Granholm for a commitment to advance energy security in the Arctic. Last year, Senator Murkowski secured funding to revive the Arctic Energy Office, which plays an essential role in supporting research and development for mic… Continue Reading


Alaska Delegation Commends U.S. Navy for New Arctic Strategy

U.S. Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, and Congressman Don Young (all R-Alaska) commended the U.S. Navy for releasing "A Blue Arctic" last week, the service's strategy document for the Arctic region. The Department of the Navy's document builds upon the Department of Defense's (DOD) Arctic strategy, released in June of 2019, and compliments the Air Force's Arctic strategy, released in July of 2020. "We live in an era of renewed great power competition, when a growing number of countri… Continue Reading


Year-End Omnibus Appropriations Package Signed Into Law

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) applauded a year-end omnibus bill being signed into law, which includes a 12-bill appropriations package to fund the government through the end of Fiscal Year 2021, including Senator Murkowski's Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations bill. This historic funding package also provides nearly $900 billion for COVID-19 relief; Senator Murkowski's bipartisan, bicameral Energy Act of 2020; a bipartisan compromise to address the issue of Surprise M… Continue Reading


Murkowski Applauds New Polar Security Cutters Authorized in Coast Guard Bill

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) applauded the authorization of additional Polar Security Cutters (icebreakers) in the Coast Guard Reauthorization Act, which passed Congress as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2021. The bipartisan provision was authored by U.S. Senators Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Dan Sullivan (R-AK). Since coming to the senate, Senator Murkowski has focused on Arctic issues, working to raise awareness of the significa… Continue Reading


New DOD Arctic Security Studies Center Approved by Congress

The U.S. Senate today passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (NDAA), including a provision authorizing a new regional Department of Defense (DOD) Center named the "Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies." U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and chairman of Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, successfully included key elements of a bill he introduced earlier this Congress with Senator Lisa Murkowsk… Continue Reading


Murkowski Welcomes Coast Guard Heavy Icebreaker Deploying to the Arctic

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) applauded the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) announcement that the USCG's POLAR STAR, our nation's sole operational icebreaker is deploying to the Arctic. The U.S. Coast Guard announced that beginning in early December 2020, POLAR STAR, a heavy icebreaker, will conduct an 82-day deployment in the Arctic, primarily in the Bering and Chukchi Seas, to execute Coast Guard statutory missions, reduce regional maritime risks, and advance national security objectives. This wi… Continue Reading

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