Articles & Op-eds


Alaska Public Media: Energy secretary nominee says tiny nuclear reactors could power Alaska villages

by Liz Ruskin

President Trump's nominee to be the next secretary of energy says he would continue the quest to develop mini nuclear reactors that could one day power communities in rural Alaska. "We want to get to a place where we can develop small micro-reactors, one to five megawatts," Dan Brouillette said Thursday at his confirmation hearing in the U.S. Senate Energy Committee. The idea of nuclear reactors frightens many, but among their advantages is that they don't produce greenhouse gas emissions the … Continue Reading


KTUU: $25 Million Infrastructure Investment coming to Port of Alaska

by Gilbert Cordova

Part of Phase 1 of the Port of Alaska Modernization Program (PAMP) is getting funding from the Trump Administration. U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao announced through the Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Discretionary Grants program, an award of $25 million is coming to Anchorage to build a new petroleum and cement marine terminal. The petroleum and cement terminal project will replace an aging facility, specifically constructing a pil… Continue Reading


Juneau Empire: OPINION: Investing in fisheries pays off

by Senator Lisa Murkowski

Alaskans know just how essential fisheries are to life in the 49th state. The seafood industry is the largest direct employer in our state, providing 60,000 jobs and generating over $5 billion for Alaska's economy. Over 15 percent of Alaska's working age rural residents are employed by the industry. And commercial fisheries are a cultural and economic cornerstone in small communities across the state's 33,000 miles of shoreline. Alaska's seafood industry also provides for our nation. Catches in… Continue Reading


Alaska Public Media: Senate passes bill with funds for murdered and missing indigenous women

by Liz Ruskin

The U.S. Senate last week agreed to spend $6.5 million to tackle the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women. It's a small line-item within a massive spending package, but it's one Sen. Lisa Murkowski is proud to have included. "That opens up funding to go … to investigate cold cases and just really put some energy behind this issue," Murkowski said. Spotty data makes it hard for researchers to quantify the killings and disappearances of Native women. The spending bill direct… Continue Reading


Alaska Native News: Fishermen Want Coast Guard Communications Channel Fixed

Commercial fishermen in Southeast Alaska say there is a critical breakdown in reliability of the Coast Guard channel they rely upon for updated weather reports and mayday calls, and they want it fixed. "We have a crisis in Coast Guard coverage of channel 16 here in Southeast (Alaska) with 35 percent of stations down and 45-50 percent of fishing grounds not monitored and no plan to restore them before 2024," said Linda Behnken, executive director of the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association (A… Continue Reading


KTVA :Fight continues to pass legislation for full military honors at veteran funerals

by Joe Vigil

Kathryn Sharp of Wasilla says it was tough trying to get full military honors for her husband Creig, a Vietnam veteran and retired Navy chief petty officer, when he died in 2018. Sharp says she is now running into more roadblocks making sure other families in Alaska and around the country don't face the same situation her family did. "When they sign on the dotted line to be in our military and fight for our country they sign up a blank check basically. Up to and including the cost of their liv… Continue Reading


KTVA: Murkowski urges action for missing, murdered Indigenous women on Senate floor

by Megan Mazurek

Sen. Lisa Murkowski spoke about the growing crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women on the Senate floor Thursday. She is urging action on the Not Invisible Act, a bill she helped introduce with Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev., and Jon Tester, D-Mont., earlier this year. "Not Invisible Act designates an official to coordinate efforts across agencies and establishes a commission of local tribal and federal stakeholders to make recommendations to the Department of Interior and Depart… Continue Reading


Hydrogen Fuel News: New bill could speed up development of geothermal systems in the US

by John Max

AGILE Act geothermal energy bill introduced in the Senate. The Advanced Geothermal Innovation Leadership Act of 2019, also known as the AGILE Act, is a bill that was recently introduced in the Senate that seeks to accelerate the development of geothermal systems in the United States (US). Many believe geothermal could be a highly reliable zero-emissions source of energy for the country. The purpose of the AGILE Act would be to enhance the research and development of geothermal systems in seve… Continue Reading


Indian Country Today: The fix for Alaska's public safety crisis? Recognize tribal powers

by Joaqlin Estus

Legislation would make it clear Alaska Native tribes have the authority to fight domestic violence, sexual assault Congress is considering legislation that would recognize that Alaska tribes have the clear authority to fight the record rates of domestic violence and sexual assault. A bill introduced by US Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, would authorize five Alaska tribes, as a pilot project, to prosecute a limited number of offenses. The Alaska Tribal Public Safety Empowerment Act would give tr… Continue Reading


Wrangell Sentinel: Alaska Delegation Pays Tribute to Senator Ted Stevens

U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, all R-Alaska, today joined in celebrating the life and legacy of the late Senator Ted Stevens and his contributions to Alaska and the nation. The Alaska Congressional Delegation joined members of the Stevens family, friends, congressional colleagues, and former staff at a ceremonial unveiling of a portrait of Senator Stevens, which will be hung in the U.S. Capitol. At the time he left office, Senator Stevens was the longest-s… Continue Reading


Must Read Alaska: Sen. Ted Stevens portrait unveiled in nation’s capitol

by Suzanne Downing

U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, all Republicans, joined in celebrating the life and legacy of the late Sen. Ted Stevens as they and a list of invited guests witnessed the ceremonial unveiling of a portrait of Senator Stevens, which will be hung in the U.S. Capitol. At the time he left office, Senator Stevens was the longest-serving Republican U.S. Senator in history. The portrait, sponsored by the U.S. Senate Commission on Art, is part of its Senate Leadersh… Continue Reading


Chron: Bipartisan legislation seeks to expand geothermal energy

by James Osborne

A top ranking Republican and Democrat have introduced legislation to speed up the development of power plants powered by underground hot springs. The bipartisan effort comes as politicians look to expand America's geothermal sector, which has largely languished to date, to help reduce reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. "Geothermal is a highly reliable, zero-emission resource able to provide both heat and power almost anywhere," said Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, chair of the … Continue Reading


Forbes: The Battle Against Breast Cancer Continues In Congress

by Sarah Chamberlain

October has been recognized as breast cancer awareness month for some time. The heightened awareness is marked by everything from athletes wearing pink, to increases public education. Because of these efforts more people are aware of the need for screening, research and the benefits of early detection. It's time to reflect on the past progress and future hope for more effective treatments. Cancers were first recognized thousands of years ago, but treatments remained primitive. For breast cancer… Continue Reading


Roll Call: A portrait unveiling for ‘Alaskan of the century,’ Uncle Ted Stevens

by Niels Lesniewski

Catherine Stevens, far left, the widow of the late Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, attends the portrait unveiling for the senator, with family members, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., right, and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., second right, in the Old Senate Chamber on Wednesday. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call) Some senators are better fishermen than others. When senior lawmakers gathered with many of their former colleagues to unveil the leadership portrait of former… Continue Reading


KTUU: Family, friends help unveil Senator Ted Stevens' portrait in Old Senate Chamber

by Peter Zampa

The Alaskan of the 20th Century took his historic place in the halls of Capitol Hill Wednesday. The unveiling of Senator Ted Stevens' (R-AK) portrait took place in the Old Senate Chamber with folks from around the country in attendance. Stevens was one of the longest serving Republicans in Senate history, serving as President Pro Tempore from 2003 to 2007. The unveiling of Senator Ted Stevens' portrait immortalized the late senator in the building he walked more than almost anyone. "The artis… Continue Reading


Alaska Public Media: Pushed by young people, AFN declares a climate emergency

by Zachariah Hughes

The 53rd Alaska Federation of Natives convention wrapped up in Fairbanks late Saturday afternoon. Conference attendees heard remarks by both U.S. senators, and voted on a number or resolutions, which included a contentious debate on climate change, a topic that came up repeatedly. AFN delegates approved a measure declaring a state of emergency over climate change. The resolution was authored by young participants in the Elders and Youth conference, and also called for the creation of a leadershi… Continue Reading


KTVA: Murkowski bill aims to protect Alaska Native women

by Jennifer Summers

A new bill introduced by Sen. Lisa Murkowski aims to help tribes protect and defend Alaska Native women. A pilot program under the bill would allow certain Alaskan tribes jurisdiction over everyone in their village, including non-natives. According to Murkowski's office, the Alaska Tribal Public Safety Empowerment Act would expand the Violence Against Women Act of 2013 (VAWA) now available in Indian Country to Alaska Native villages. Murkowski's bill addresses the high rate of domestic violence… Continue Reading


Murkowski bill aims to protect Alaska Native women

by Jennifer Summers

A new bill introduced by Sen. Lisa Murkowski aims to help tribes protect and defend Alaska Native women. A pilot program under the bill would allow certain Alaskan tribes jurisdiction over everyone in their village, including non-natives. According to Murkowski's office, the Alaska Tribal Public Safety Empowerment Act would expand the Violence Against Women Act of 2013 (VAWA) now available in Indian Country to Alaska Native villages. Murkowski's bill addresses the high rate of domestic violence… Continue Reading


E&E News: Nobel-winning scientist on 100% renewables, EVs and Murkowski

by David Laconangelo

Lithium-ion batteries have become a cornerstone of backing up wind and solar power, but one of the scientists who won a Nobel Prize last week for helping develop the technology says a world of 100% renewables may not be desirable. "I'm not sure you ever want to go to 100% of anything," said Stan Whittingham, a longtime professor of chemistry and materials science at the State University of New York's Binghamton campus, known as Binghamton University, during a phone interview after the Nobel ann… Continue Reading


Peninsula Clarion: Murkowski writes bill to address domestic violence in rural Alaska

by Peter Segall

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, announced the introduction of legislation Thursday meant to address domestic violence in rural Alaska. The Alaska Tribal Public Safety Empowerment Act would expand the jurisdiction of the 2013 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) on a pilot basis for five years, according to the text of the bill. A press release from Murkowski's office said VAWA "provided that tribes have the power to prosecute certain non-Natives who violate qualifying protection orders or com… Continue Reading

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