Articles & Op-eds


Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman: Publisher's Notebook: Murkowski to Kavanaugh vote critics, “I voted my conscience.”

by Dennis Anderson

US Senator Lisa Murkowski is back in her home State of Alaska making the rounds visiting with her constituents and providing updates from Washington DC. A combined Mat-Su Valley Chamber of Commerce luncheon was one of those stops. Chamber members from Wasilla, Palmer and Houston gathered at Everett's Restaurant in Wasilla to hear Murkowski speak. One of the benefits of living in Alaska is the accessibility to our public officials including those who represent us on a national level. Murkows… Continue Reading


KYUK: Sen. Murkowski Talks Aviation, Climate Change In Bethel Visit

by Krysti Shallenberger

Climate change and rural aviation are major issues in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski addressed both during her visit to the region last week. Murkowski visited Quinhagak as part of her trip. It's one of 56 villages in the region and sits on the coast near Kuskokwim Bay. Like many Y-K Delta communities, it's experiencing erosion from rising sea levels and melting permafrost, and is struggling to maintain its gravel airstrip. "[I] had an opportunity to look at the… Continue Reading


KTVA: Filipino veterans honored for actions in WWII

by Dave Leval

Salvador Yambao cannot get around as well as he used to, but there's no way the 92-year-old would miss this chance to meet Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. Yambao is Alaska's only surviving Filipino veteran of World War II. Murkowski presents him with the Congressional Gold Medal at the Asian Alaskan Cultural Center Sunday afternoon. "I am happy, yes, that's it," said Yambao as he joins the families of five other veterans are also recognized for the contributions by their late lo… Continue Reading


Daily Energy Insider: FERC names Chatterjee as new chairman

by Dave Kovaleski

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) announced this week that Kevin McIntyre would step down as chairman due to ongoing health issues. President Donald Trump has designated Neil Chatterjee to replace McIntyre as chairman. "It is with a heavy heart that I step into this role while my friend and colleague, Kevin McIntyre, focuses on what's most important: his recovery and his family," Chatterjee said. "I am confident that the commission will continue to benefit from his consummate kno… Continue Reading


Cordova Times: Drug bill offers improved community-based services

Opioid legislation signed into law on Oct. 24 includes provisions by Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska to boost research initiatives, improve treatment and recovery services and measure progress towards stopping the epidemic. The Support for Patients and Communities Act passed the Senate 98-1 on Oct. 3. "We are aware that in Alaska there is a shortage of trained professionals to treat addiction and substance abuse," Murkowski said. "This legislation will help bridge that gap." One of several Murk… Continue Reading


Arctic Today: Murkowski says Alaska has a lot to offer the Arctic — but the US can’t be complacent

Alaska's senior U.S. senator, Lisa Murkowski, sat down with ArcticToday Publisher Alice Rogoff on the sidelines of the 2018 Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland last week to discuss the state's role in the Arctic. The wide-ranging discussion covered topics from military investment in infrastructure, to Murkowski's vision - which she also discussed on stage during a plenary event at the conference - of a network of ports in Alaska's Arctic. Two themes emerged, though. First, that Alaska… Continue Reading


Alaska Public Media: Alaska senators address AFN on convention’s final day

by Zachariah Hughes

The 52nd annual Alaska Federation of Natives convention concluded Oct. 20 in Anchorage with high-level addresses from Alaska's senators, and AFN delegates still reeling from the news that Gov. Bill Walker is suspending his re-election campaign. Delivering her invocation at the Dena'ina Civic and Convention Center, Rev. Shirley Lee referenced what a lot of people were talking about Saturday morning: Walker departing the election. "Heavenly father, yesterday we witnessed your most humble servant… Continue Reading


The Journal: Working together on energy

by Senator Lisa Murkowski and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV)

In today's polarizing political climate, it may seem like there are few issues Republicans and Democrats can work together on. But on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, we are proving that is not the case. As the Republican Chairman and an active Democratic member of this Committee, we have found many ways we can work in a bipartisan manner to improve our nation's energy policy. It doesn't hurt that our home states are longtime leaders on energy production - in fact, Alaska and … Continue Reading


Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman: Understanding Murkowski’s ‘No’ vote

by Dennis Anderson

Sen. Lisa Murkowski's recent vote of 'no' to move Judge Kavanaugh forward in confirming his placement on the US Supreme Court has drawn the ire of the local Republican base. Then, in a move of class, Murkowski announced she will vote 'present' in the confirmation vote. Although she is still a no vote the move will cancel out the fact that Montana Senator Steve Daines will not be present for the vote due to his daughter's wedding. This allows the spirit of the vote to stay intact. I don't agree … Continue Reading


Time: Sen. Lisa Murkowski Voted 'Present' Instead of 'No' on Kavanaugh as Favor to GOP

by Matt Vespa

Senator Lisa Murkowski, the only Republican now opposing Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, said she will use a quirky Senate procedure in Saturday's confirmation vote to help fellow GOP Senator Steve Daines, who supported the nominee but was at his daughter's wedding in Montana. The procedure, which involved Murkowski being recorded as "present" in the vote as opposed to "no," was unusual enough that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office issued an explanation to … Continue Reading


Cordova Times: Senators introduce suicide prevention legislation

Sixteen senators, including Alaska Republicans Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan have introduced the Native America Suicide Prevention Act, to ensure that Native communities are included in planning and execution of such preventive programs. The legislation is the Senate companion to H.R. 3473, a bipartisan bill introduced by Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva, D-AZ, Rep. Tom Cook, R-OK, and 27 other House cosponsors. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for Alaska Natives. From 2012 through 20… Continue Reading


The Hill: How the Trump tax law passed: GOP adds sweeteners

All along, GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski knew she was going to get what she wanted. The Alaska Republican had been trying to for more than 15 years to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to drilling. And at some point, the provision was going to be added to the tax-cut bill. "Well," she said in an interview when asked if she was trying to hide ANWR, "let's just put it this way. I didn't want to start off the year with a t-shirt that says, 'My goal this year is to open up ANWR. Watch m… Continue Reading


Cordova Times: Bowhead harvest quota renewed for AEWC

Delegates to the 67th International Whaling Commission meeting in Florianopolis, Brazil, have voted 58-7 to renew for seven more years the subsistence whaling quota for the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission. Alaska's delegation to the IWC meeting was led by North Slope Borough Mayor Harry Brower and AEWC vice chair Crawford Patkotak. "The importance of subsistence whaling for both the food security and cultural vitality of Arctic communities cannot be understated," said Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-A… Continue Reading


KTVA: Murkowski looks to lower health care costs

by Angela Krenzien

Sen. Lisa Murkowski took part in a hearing on Capitol Hill aimed at lowering health care costs by making information on cost and quality more available and transparent. Most people don't know they can shop around for health care, but there are differences in both quality and cost. One witness at the hearing was Bill Kampine who is the co-founder and Senior VP of Client Analytics at the Healthcare Bluebook -- a company that publishes cost and quality information about medical procedures. He say… Continue Reading


Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: LETTER: Murkowski for teen health

by Leena Robinson

Letter to the editor: I would like to personally thank Sen. Lisa Murkowski for standing up to stop tobacco companies from targeting kids like me with candy-flavored products. Last month, she and Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin introduced a bill that would place strong restrictions on electronic cigarette and cigar flavors. As I told Sen. Murkowski when I visited her Washington, D.C., office in July, it's not surprising how quickly Juul and other e-cigarettes have caught on at my high school in Nenana… Continue Reading


Washington Examiner: Op-Ed: Lisa Murkowski: The case for advanced nuclear reactors

by Senator Lisa Murkowski

It was a warm summer night in 1955 when the lights turned on in Arco, Idaho - the first successful use of peaceful nuclear power. From this groundbreaking moment, our nation became the global industry leader - building impressive plants across the country and around the world while setting international standards for safety, security, and nonproliferation. As recently as a few years ago, a total of 104 nuclear reactors were safely generating clean electricity in the United States, with plans fo… Continue Reading


Must Read Alaska: Patriot Day, a National Day of Service and Remembrance

by Suzanne Downing

Flags are lowered today in honor of the nearly 3,000 people who were killed on Sept. 11, 2001 in four coordinated terrorist attacks. In Alaska, today is known as Patriot Day. "The tragic events of September 11, 2001 are seared into our collective memory," Gov. Bill Walker said in a statement. "I hope Alaskans will join me tomorrow in observing a moment of silence to reflect on the souls taken from us that day, and the first responders who put themselves in danger to run to the aid of others. Se… Continue Reading


KDLG: NPS dedicates Lake Clark wilderness area to Gov. Jay S. Hammond

by Isabelle Ross

Three generations of the Hammond family were present at Thursday's ceremony dedicating the Jay S. Hammond Wilderness Area. The NPS presented former First Lady of Alaska Bella Hammond with a map bearing the area's new title. Governor Hammond passed away in 2005. "It is rare to name a wilderness area after any one individual," said park superintendent Susanne Fleek-Green. "It really exemplifies the stature of Governor Hammond and what he's meant to Alaska's public servants and the conservation et… Continue Reading


Daily Energy Insider: Bill seeks to boost nuclear innovation, reliability

by Douglas Clark

A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced last week a measure designed to boost nuclear energy innovation while ensuring advanced reactors provide clean, safe, affordable and reliable power. The Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (NELA) seeks to help re-establish leadership in nuclear energy by launching public-private partnerships between the federal government, leading research institutions and the best industry innovators. NELA was introduced by Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Cory Booker (D-NJ), J… Continue Reading


KTVA: State insurance director recognized nationally

by Liz Raines

The director of the state's Division of Insurance is the recipient of the 2018 Bipartisan Health Policy Leadership Award. Lori Wing-Heier worked closely with the State House and Senate to establish the Alaska Reinsurance Program in 2017 -- which has reduced rates in the individual healthcare market by more than 25-percent, according to a press release by Gov. Bill Walker's office last month. In a Friday statement, Sen. Lisa Murkowski highlighted Wing-Heier's 39 years of experience in the insur… Continue Reading

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