Sponsored & Co-Sponsored Legislation

Bill # Bill Description Updated
S.3445 Cosponsored  — Domestic Energy and Jobs Act
S.3451 Cosponsored  — A bill to exempt certain air taxi services from taxes on transportation by air.
S.3450 Cosponsored  — Coal Miner Employment and Domestic Energy Infrastructure Protection Act
S.2009 Cosponsored  — Insular Areas Act of 2011
S.3438 Sponsored  — Offshore Petroleum Expansion Now Act of 2012
S.2090 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend the Indian Law Enforcement Reform Act to extend the period of time provided to the Indian Law and Order Commission to produce a required report, and for other purposes.
S.1201 Cosponsored  — National Fish Habitat Conservation Act
S.3383 Cosponsored  — A bill to reject the final 5-year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for fiscal years 2012 through 2017 of the Administration and replace the plan with a 5-year plan that is more in...
S.3373 Sponsored  — A bill to require the Attorney General to issue a report on the Alaska Rural Justice and Law Enforcement Commission.
S.3376 Cosponsored  — PACT Act
S.2239 Cosponsored  — Veteran Skills to Jobs Act
S.3342 Cosponsored  — SECURE IT
S.2272 Sponsored  — A bill to designate a mountain in the State of Alaska as Mount Denali.
S.2273 Sponsored  — A bill to designate the Talkeetna Ranger Station in Talkeetna, Alaska, as the Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station.
S.3078 Cosponsored  — World War II Memorial Prayer Act of 2012
S.2320 Cosponsored  — Remembering America's Forgotten Veterans Cemetery Act of 2012
S.3330 Sponsored  — Niblack Mining Area Road Authorization Act
S.3332 Cosponsored  — Vessel Incidental Discharge Act
S.292 Sponsored  — Salmon Lake Land Selection Resolution Act
S.3299 Sponsored  — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow Indian tribes to receive charitable contributions of apparently wholesome food.
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