Sponsored & Co-Sponsored Legislation

Bill # Bill Description Updated
S.632 Cosponsored  — Firearms Fairness and Affordability Act
S.597 Cosponsored  — Women Veterans Health Care Improvement Act of 2009
S.604 Cosponsored  — Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009
S.581 Cosponsored  — Military Family Nutrition Protection Act of 2009
S.531 Cosponsored  — Energy and Water Integration Act of 2009
S.558 Cosponsored  — Labeling Education and Nutrition Act of 2009
S.546 Cosponsored  — Retired Pay Restoration Act of 2009
S.535 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to repeal requirement for reduction of survivor annuities under the Survivor Benefit Plan by veterans' dependency and indemnity compensation, and for...
S.504 Cosponsored  — A bill to redesignate the Department of the Navy as the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps.
S.503 Sponsored  — No Surface Occupancy Western Arctic Coastal Plain Domestic Energy Security Act
S.496 Cosponsored  — Afghanistan and Pakistan Reconstruction Opportunity Zones Act of 2009
S.491 Cosponsored  — Federal and Military Retiree Health Care Equity Act
S.484 Cosponsored  — Social Security Fairness Act of 2009
S.476 Cosponsored  — Care Affordability for Military Families Act
S.461 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend and modify the railroad track maintenance credit.
S.455 Cosponsored  — Five-Star Generals Commemorative Coin Act
S.451 Cosponsored  — Girl Scouts USA Centennial Commemorative Coin Act
S.422 Cosponsored  — HEART for Women Act
S.381 Cosponsored  — A bill to express the policy of the United States regarding the United States relationship with Native Hawaiians, to provide a process for the reorganization of a Native Hawaiian and the recognition...
S.342 Sponsored  — A bill to provide for the treatment of service as a member of the Alaska Territorial Guard during World War II as active service for purposes of retired pay for members of the Armed Forces.
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