

Floor Speech: Murkowski Says Democrats' Health Care Bill Doesn't Solve Medicare Access Problem in Alaska

Mr. President, I appreciate the good Senator from Pennsylvania and his discussion and his clear and constant focus on children and children's health. I wish to commend him for his good work and for always reminding us of the importance of our children in so many aspects of our policies. So I thank him for that. I, too, rise this afternoon to talk about the debate on health care and the debate we seem to have ongoing with the numbers. Whether it is numbers that are coming out from the Congressi… Continue Reading


Remaks to the Business Roundtable CEOs Members Meeting on Climate Change

"Thank you Mike for that kind introduction. I appreciate the opportunity to be here today to speak with you about global climate change and the state of the debate over what to do about it. "I know this is an important issue for everyone in this room. Whatever solution we ultimately enact, it has to work for America's business community, especially now when so many Americans are struggling to find work and businesses are having a difficult time keeping their doors open. "I believe we can, and … Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Citing ISER Study, Murkowski Says Democrats Health Care Bill Would Be Poor Fit for Alaska

"In this morning's Wall Street Journal there is an article--actually, an editorial--and it starts out: ''Another Day, Another Study,'' confirming that Obamacare will increase the price of health insurance. It goes on to talk about a Blue Cross study. It talks about CBO numbers. But the reality is, we have numbers all over. I think we all recall the quote from Mark Twain: You've got liars, damn liars, and statisticians. "Well, I think we are caught up in that world now of dueling numbers. Our nu… Continue Reading


Floor Conversation: Murkowski Introduces Amendment to Keep Government Out of Helath Care Coverage Decisions

Sen. Murkowski: Mr. President, there has been a great deal of discussion this week certainly, and last week, with the announcement from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, the USPSTF, of their recommendations as they relate to mammograms and recommendation that women under the age of 50 do not need to be screened until they reach age 50, and then on attaining the age 50, every other year after that. When these recommendations came out on November 16, it is fair to say they generated a leve… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Sen. Murkowski speaks on her concerns about the Democrat health care proposal currently being debated in the U.S. Senate.

"I thank my colleagues and I thank particularly the senior Senator from Maine for her long, arduous work as part of a small group of Senators who did try, honestly and with great integrity, to advance this process so we would have a bipartisan product to deal with. I appreciate her efforts. I heard a little bit of her frustration as she spoke on the floor this evening. I thank her for her leadership. "I concur with my fellow Senator from Oklahoma that we all agree reforms are needed in the heal… Continue Reading


Remarks to the 2009 Alaska Federation of Native Convention

I am honored to join with you this afternoon at Alaska's greatest family reunions. During AFN Week, the Dena'ina Center is Alaska's largest Native village. Thank you for inviting me into your extended family once again. In so many ways, the AFN Convention represents the best of Alaska, Alaska's values and Alaskan traditions. The Elders and Youth Conference. We all understand that it's tough living in two worlds - the traditional and the modern. The annual Elders and Youth Conference bridges … Continue Reading


Remarks to the Alliance to Save Energy’s Policy Perspectives Breakfast

"Good morning, and thanks for that kind introduction. I appreciate all the hard work that you and the rest of the Alliance do to keep efficiency at the forefront of the energy debate, both on Capitol Hill and across the country. "As you know, the Senate these past few months has focused primarily on health care legislation. That debate goes on. But debate about the future of our nation's energy policy has never been far from the surface. "The president and his administration have set ambitious… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski Offers Amendment on EPA Regulation of Carbon Dioxide

"Mr. President, I believe it is truly unfortunate that we are not allowed to consider this amendment. The amendment I was hoping to be able to bring up and consider is one that would prohibit the use of funds that has the effect of making carbon dioxide a pollutant subject to regulation under the Clean Air Act for any source other than a mobile source. "It is unfortunate that the majority will not allow us to consider this amendment. The problem it seeks to address is significant. I don't belie… Continue Reading


Remarks to the Council on Competitiveness’ National Energy Summit and International Dialogue

"Good afternoon and thank you for that introduction. And thanks to the Council on Competitiveness for holding this summit. I appreciate the opportunity to spend a few minutes speaking with you about one of the most important debates of our time - the policies that we should pursue to strengthen our energy security and address climate change. "The stakes of this debate are clear and extremely high. Throughout our history, access to abundant and affordable energy has helped ensure America's gro… Continue Reading


Remarks to Commonwealth North

"Hello and thank you for inviting me to speak with you all today. It's great to be here in Anchorage to provide you with an update on health care reform, an issue that has dominated the national and local headlines this summer. And as many of you have seen, this issue is causing very emotionally heated town-hall meetings and debates across the country. "But before we delve into health care reform, I'd like to take a step back and look at the health of the economy and spending by Congress in th… Continue Reading


Remarks on Nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Surpeme Court

"Mr. President, a decision as to whether to confirm a President's nominee to the Supreme Court is one of the most significant decisions any of us will make during our Senate careers. The precedents that are established by the U.S. Supreme Court do not merely affect the litigants but the entire fabric of American society, often for centuries. "Justices of the Supreme Court enjoy life tenure. They are not accountable to the President who appointed them or to the Senators who voted to confirm… Continue Reading


Remarks to USEA/Johnson Controls 20th Annual Energy Efficiency Forum

"Thank you for that kind introduction, and for inviting me here today to speak about the important role of energy efficiency in our national energy policy. "Simply put, energy efficiency offers us the quickest and easiest way to improve our energy and environmental policy. "Efficiency provides us with an opportunity for an easy "twofer" - it not only reduces the amount of energy we need, it also cuts the amount of carbon we emit. "Before we sing the praises of efficiency, though, I think it's… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski Urges Obama Administration to Expand the Role of Nuclear Power

"Mr. President, several years back--actually, it was further than several years, it was in the early 1990s--there was a popular culture sensation in kids' books. The books were entitled, ''Where's Waldo.'' Those with kids probably remember the books. It was a great way to test your kids' eyes and areas of identification. This was crafted by a gentleman by the name of Martin Hansford. You try to find Waldo with his glasses and his red-and-white striped hat. He would be tucked in on the page… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski pays tribue to Lu Young

"Mr. President, my colleague mentioned the passing of a very dear friend. I wish to take a moment this afternoon to also acknowledge the passing of Lu Young. "This is a sad day for us in Alaska as we come to grips with the very sudden passing of Congressman Young 's wife. They have been a team for some 46 years. She died this weekend at their home in Great Falls, VA. She was only 67 years old. "Lu Young was an Athabascan Indian from the village of Fort Yukon. Fort Yukon, you may have seen… Continue Reading


Remarks: Nuclear Energy Institute’s 2009 Nuclear Energy Assembly and Annual Meeting

"Good morning and thank you for inviting me to be with you today. I appreciate the opportunity to join you during your 2009 Nuclear Energy Assembly. Thank you to Marvin Fertel and Alex Flint with NEI for the invitation. "At the end of the last Congress, an incredible proponent and leading voice for the nuclear industry stepped down from public office. I cannot adequately express how important Senator Pete Domenici's leadership was in moving forward the current resurgence of nuclear power in … Continue Reading


Remarks to the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease (WomenHeart)

"Good evening and thank you to the WomenHeart Organization for tonight's event and for selecting a beautiful venue here, at the Italian Embassy. This is quite different from the hotels and large podiums that I'm used to. "I want to thank the leadership of the WomenHeart Organization for this award and would like to take this opportunity to recognize my constituents Mary Hicks from Juneau & Sharon Sleater from Soldotna, for making the long journey to Washington to advocate for common sense l… Continue Reading


Floor Speech: Murkowski on David Hayes Nomination

"Mr. President, I appreciate the opportunity to follow my colleague from Utah, as he has so clearly laid out the grounds upon which he has placed a hold on the Department of the Interior nominee, David Hayes. I wish to make a comment at the outset: I don't think that either the Senator from Utah, and certainly not myself, in also placing a hold--this is not a situation where there is disagreement about Mr. Hayes' qualifications. This is not a personal matter or anybody out to get Mr. Hayes, if y… Continue Reading


Remarks to the Consumer Energy Alliance’s Energy Day

"Thank you for that kind introduction. I'd like to thank the Consumer Energy Alliance for inviting me to speak today about America's energy future. It's a pleasure to talk to a group that truly understands the importance of affordable and abundant energy in maintaining a healthy economy. "Energy policy is the base of the strength of our economy, environment and national security. Abundant and affordable energy is what makes the modern lifestyle we all enjoy possible. It's simple enough ¬- e… Continue Reading


Remarks to the ALS Association Celebration of Excellence Breakfast

"Good morning and thank you to the ALS Association for putting together today's event. I'm humbled to be in your company this morning to accept this award on behalf of all the good work you all have done. So together today, we celebrate our huge victory on passage of the ALS Registry Act. "For those of us in this room with ALS, who care for a loved one with ALS, and to those we've lost to ALS, I personally want to thank you for your work in helping us pass the ALS Registry Act. It wasn't easy,… Continue Reading


Remarks to Youth Service America

"Senator Wofford, thank you very much. It is an honor to receive the Wofford Public Official Award, and especially to receive it from you, one of those who were responsible for establishing both the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps. You have demonstrated your deep commitment to public service for many years. "I would like to also thank Ken Bartels, Chairman of Youth Service America; Alma Powell, Chair of America's Promise Alliance; the representatives of State Farm who are here today; and the board… Continue Reading

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