Articles & Op-eds

September 2023
Anchorage Daily News: Anchorage Daily News: Congress passes protections for school hunting and archery programs
Ketchikan Daily: Ketchikan Daily News: OPINION: Traveling the Alaska way
Alaska politicians remain optimistic about AK LNG even as overseas market cools
Anchorage Daily News: Anchorage Daily News: OPINION: Alaska’s Farm Bill promises to safeguard our oceans and fishing families By Linda Behnken
Alaska News Source: Alaska News Source: Lawmakers push back on Department of Education’s interpretation of Bipartisan Safer Communities Act
Anchorage Daily News: Anchorage Daily News: OPINION: Empowering Alaska’s communities through effective leadership
Alaska Public Media: Alaska Public Media: A new e-waste program is recycling tons of batteries from rural Alaska
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: EPA administrator makes push to help ANCSA land cleanup
Anchorage Daily News: OPINION: Alaska’s all-of-the-above energy policy is an example for the US
August 2023
Frontiersman: Frontiersman: “There’s so much potential for agriculture” Senators Sullivan and Murkowski welcome Senator Boozman, discuss future of Alaska agriculture
Alaska Beacon: Alaska Beacon: Infrastructure law, supported by Alaska delegation, in turn brings big payout to the state
Anchorage Press: Anchorage Press: Alaska Sens. Murkowski, Sullivan push Alaska priorities into new federal farm bill
Alaska News Source: Alaska News Source: Transportation secretary tours Port of Alaska, talks investment in aging infrastructure
Juneau Empire: Juneau Empire: Fixing the ferry’s future: Alaska Marine Highway steers fleet toward three replacements
Waste Today: Waste Today: RBC supports Backhaul Alaska program
Anchorage Daily News: Anchorage Daily News: Federal plan would grant Southeast Alaska Native communities land settlements in Tongass National Forest
Fairbanks Daily News Miner: Fairbanks Daily News-miner: Sen. Murkowski addresses Alaska Tribal Court Conference on Violence Against Women Act
Peninsula Clarion: Peninsula Clarion: Murkowski talks LNG, local projects in Soldotna | Peninsula Clarion
Roll Call: Roll Call: Big shoes filled as Senate appropriators spread earmarks wealth
July 2023
Washington Post: After ‘terrorizing’ Congress, interns get selfies with all 100 senators
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