Articles & Op-eds

June 2016
KTVF: Murkowski Fights Wotus Rule
Fox News: Alaska Republicans back bill to prevent ObamaCare meltdown in state
May 2016
Alaska Dispatch News: Congress takes a big step toward funding a new $1 billion Arctic icebreaker
Op-Ed: An energy bill for Alaska
Op-Ed: Moda's exit from Alaska insurance market reflects what ails Affordable Care Act
April 2016
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Energy bill home stretch: Sen. Murkowski’s legislation to modernize energy policy for Alaska, U.S.
Alaska Dispatch News: Murkowski's energy bill passes Senate after months of delays
KUCB: Murkowski Pushes For King Cove Road
Alaska Dispatch News: King Cove and Murkowski grumble over federal report on refuge road alternatives
March 2016
Alaska Dispatch News: Murkowski didn't have to do any pushups to be named one of fittest US senators
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Sen. Murkowski holds oil and gas development panel in Fairbanks
KTVF: Murkowski Presses For Better VA Care In Alaska
E&E News: Murkowski, Tidwell spar over Tongass old-growth logging plan
Alaska Public Media: Murkowski: Where’s that Arctic port?
February 2016
BLM announces major cleanup of ‘legacy wells’: KTVA: BLM announces major cleanup of ‘legacy wells’
Murkowski field hearing highlights rural Alaska’s unique energy issues, solutions: Alaska Public Media: Murkowski field hearing highlights rural Alaska’s unique energy issues, solutions
U.S. senators, top energy official travel to tiny Alaska village, hold Bethel hearing: Alaska Dispatch News: U.S. senators, top energy official travel to tiny Alaska village, hold Bethel hearing
A chance for bipartisan progress: Omnibus energy bill could be first in almost a decade if Senate impasse ends: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: A chance for bipartisan progress: Omnibus energy bill could be first in almost a decade if Senate impasse ends
This is how it looks when Congress gets along: Christian Science Monitor: This is how it looks when Congress gets along
December 2015
Op-Ed: Every Student Succeeds Act Contains Needed Reforms Good for Alaskans
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