Articles & Op-eds

April 2009
Denali Park isn't the obstacle skeptics claim it is: EDITORIAL: Bullet line
Murkowski introduces bullet line bill
Sen. Murkowski asks for U.S. volcano network
Volcano monitoring needs stable federal funding: EDITORIAL: Explosive subject
March 2009
Murkowski calls for national volcano monitoring
Ski accident does not deter Murkowski's rise
February 2009
Murkowski Op-Ed: Gun bill is going nowhere
Originally Published in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner on February 27, 2009: Op-Ed: Gun bill is going nowhere
ANWR: Oil companies would set up shop on periphery, drill at slant.: Murkowski proposes directional drilling in ANWR
Murkowski delivers Republican rebuttal to stimulus bill
January 2009
Op-Ed: America’s responsibility and opportunity as an Arctic nation
December 2008
Op-Ed: Sen. Murkowski votes against auto bailout legislation
October 2008
Op-Ed: Open the Outer Continental Shelf to energy exploration
August 2008
from Congressional Quarterly: Op-Ed: Law of the Sea Treaty
July 2008
Op-Ed: Plow energy revenue windfall into renewables and power transmission systems
Op-Ed: On this date in 1958, Senate vote secured Alaska's future
April 2008
Op-Ed: Prevention is the Key
February 2008
Op-Ed: Competitive Foods and Child Obesity
January 2001
Roll Call: Roll Call: Carbon-free nuclear power in a crisis just when it’s most needed
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