Articles & Op-eds

August 2009
Alaska's two senators agree on basic goals in health debate: EDITORIAL: Not far apart
She's an able critic, but wants a slowdown that wouldn't help: EDITORIAL: Murkowski on health
Sen. Lisa Murkowski speaks out against health care reform bill
Fairbanks health care town hall is Thursday
Some things in the legislation are already bad enough, she says at civic center.: Murkowski: Don't tell lies about the health-care reform bill
Problems in the federal law distract from real improvement: EDITORIAL: No child left
Sen. Murkowski will talk health in Fairbanks
No rest for Lawmakers During Recess
McCaskill retreats attack on tribal contracting
Fairbanks jumps into federal
July 2009
Kensington decision to be early test of Obama on mining issues
Murkowski introduces OCS revenue sharing bill
Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Labor, Health and Education Appropriations Bill that Includes $20.1 Million for Alaska Projects: Senate Appropriators Approve Murkowski Amendment to Fund a $3.4 Million Denali Commission Jobs Program
Alaska senators defend Native corporations
EPA standing ground regarding Kensington mine
Murkowski seeks funding for new Arctic icebreakers
Murkowski calls for cautious mining reform
Murkowski seeks funding for new Arctic icebreakers
Military construction bill would bring millions to Alaska
Murkowski, Begich Meet on EPA’s Mine Decision
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