Articles & Op-eds

January 2018
Politico Pro: POLITICO Pro Q&A: Senate Energy Chairwoman Lisa Murkowski Back
Alaska Public Media: Alaska Public Media: Four decisions in three weeks: How Trump is transforming Alaska
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: OPINION: Let’s not be our own worst enemy in developing ANWR
Alaska Dispatch News: Alaska Dispatch News: Trump administration puts Arctic offshore lease sales back on the table
December 2017
Anchorage Daily News: ADN: ‘A historic moment’: How ANWR drilling was passed by Congress after decades of effort
KSRM: KSRM: Sun Shines On Arctic Coastal Plain
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: LETTER: Commend Murkowski for clean energy priority
Juneau Empire: Juneau Empire: EDITORIAL: Let’s end 2017 on a high note
KTVA: KTVA: Murkowski: Passage of ANWR drilling ‘a big day for Alaska’
Juneau Empire: Juneau Empire: Murkowski introduces bill to study ocean acidification
Alaska Journal of Commerce: Alaska Journal of Commerce: Tax overhaul, ANWR heads to Trump’s desk
CNN: CNN: For Murkowski, the fight to open up ANWR was generations in the making
OPINON: Historic Opportunities for Alaska in Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Juneau Empire: Juneau Empire: Young says Arctic drilling is priority from tax bill; Murkowski wants quality
KTUU: KTUU: Senator Murkowski on GOP Tax Plan
The Hill: The Hill: Murkowski pushes back on ObamaCare 'scare tactics'
Alaska Journal of Commerce: AJOC EDITORIAL: GOP finally delivers on promise to Americans
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Delegates praise ANWR opening in tax bill
November 2017
OPINION: Why I Support Eliminating the Individual Mandate Tax Penalty
Defense Video Imagery Distribution System: OPINION: 150 years of the Army in Alaska
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