Articles & Op-eds

May 2019
KTUU: KTUU: Lawmakers re-introducing legislation that calls for DOJ review of Indian Country probes
Reuters: Reuters: U.S. faces hurdles in push to build electric vehicle supply chain
Engine: Engine: Looking Back on National Small Business Week 2019
Freight Waves: Freight Waves: Alaska LNG exports proposed to fund Arctic icebreakers and ports
Magic Valley: Op-Ed: A new era in nuclear energy
Alaska Public Media: Alaska Public Media: As the ice goes, Arctic nations find their bonds are tested
E&E News: E&E News: EV 'arms race' revs up Murkowski's old minerals bill
E&E News: E&E News: Murkowski pressed Pompeo on climate language
KTVA: KTVA: Murkowski co-sponsors bill to clarify prescription drug price increases
KTVA: KTVA: Murkowski pushes feds for study on missing, murdered indigenous women US senate introduces new bill to boost domestic battery minerals supply
Wall Street Journal: Wall Street Journal: U.S. Navy Plans to Extend Its Reach in the Arctic
RTO Insider: RTO Insider: Senate Nuke Development Bill May Hinge on Waste Issue
The Guardian: The Guardian: A Native American woman's brutal murder could lead to a life-saving law
CQ: CQ: Murkowski Wants Plan to Deal With Tribal Health Facility Costs
April 2019
Maryland Matters: Maryland Matters: Cardin, Colleagues and Stars to Urge Passage of Equal Rights Amendment
Patch: Patch: Digital Coastal Mapping Seen As Way To Prepare For Floods, Storms
Gray TV: Gray TV: Vaping crackdown: Senator Murkowski continues push to ban flavored e-cigs
Must Read Alaska: Must Read Alaska: Icebreaker contract awarded; to be delivered in 2024
KTVA: KDLG: Murkowski asks for longer Pebble comment period
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