Articles & Op-eds

February 2012
By Lisa Demer. Originally Published on January 23, 2012: Anchorage Daily News: Murkowski presses feds on dropped Allen sex crime case
Originally published on February 14, 2012: Associated Press: Murkowski opens Juneau office
By Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks. Originally published on February 8, 2012.: Alaska Public Radio Network: Alaska Delegation Introduces Legislation To Prevent Moving Eielson F-16s
By Ben Anderson. Originally Published on February 6, 2012: Alaska Dispatch: Senate passes 4-year, $63 billion FAA extension
January 2012
By: Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Saxby Chambliss and Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Originall Published on Jan. 30, 2012: Op-Ed: How to tackle cybersecurity
By Geof Koss. Originally published on January 28, 2012: Congressional Quarterly: Diplomacy Greases Wheels For Alaska Oil Production
Originally Published on January 23, 2012 By Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Udall (Dem. - Colorado): Op-Ed: Changing the conversation: Temper the vilification in Congress
By Jeff Richardson. Originally published on January 18, 2012: Fairbanks Daily News - Miner: Alaska Sens. Murkowski, Begich opposed to online piracy bill; Rep. Don Young undecided
Originally published on January 12, 2012: Associated Press: End partisan seating at State of Union, Murkowski says
December 2011
Originally published on December 22, 2011: Associated Press: Murkowski welcomes House move on payroll tax cut
Op-Ed: Military Detainee Provision in Defense Authorization Bill
Originally published on December 16, 2011: Anchorage Daily News: Delegation's measure would bar NPS from stopping boaters
November 2011
By Sarah Day. Originally published on November 30, 2011: Juneau Empire: State still looking into NCLB waivers
The USS Anchorage should be commissioned in Anchorage if the price is right.: Ketchikan Daily News Editorial: The right place
By Amanda Coyne. Originall published on November 21, 2011: Alaska Dispatch: Alaska's senators hold jabs over 'super committee' meltdown
Originally published on November 19, 2011: SitNews: Alaska Priorities Secured in Funding Bill
Originally published on November 16, 2011: Alaska Native News: Senator Wants “First-Hand Account” of Western Alaskan Conditions
Op - Ed: Obama's Oil Abdication
Originally posted on November 10, 2011.: Associated Press: Murkowski criticizes Keystone pipeline delay
Op - Ed: Town hall meetings show Alaskans get it
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