Articles & Op-eds

January 2023
Cordova Times: Cordova Times: 117th Congress featured big wins for Cordova
Kodiak Daily Mirror: Kodiak Daily Mirror: 117th Congress featured big wins for Kodiak
Petersburg Pilot: Petersburg Pilot OPINION: 117th Congress featured big wins for Petersburg
Ketchikan Daily: Ketchikan Daily OPINION: 117th Congress featured big wins for Ketchikan
Juneau Empire: Juneau Empire OPINION: Juneau stands to benefit significantly from the 117th Congress
Anchorage Daily News: Anchorage Daily News OPINION: Anchorage got some big wins from the 117th Congress
Bristol Bay Times: Bristol Bay Times: More than $13 million in federal funding earmarked for Bristol Bay
Anchorage Daily News: Anchorage Daily News: Federal spending bill includes $3M for rural Alaska trooper housing and other facilities
Ketchikan Daily: Ketchikan Daily: Honoring Young
Fairbanks Daily News Miner: Fairbanks Daily News Miner: University of Alaska to gain 360K acres under federal spending bill
Cordova Times: Cordova Times: Murkowski begins new term as Alaska’s senior senator
KTOO: KTOO: Federal spending bill directs $16 million to Juneau projects
December 2022
Kodiak Daily Mirror: Kodiak Daily Mirror: Island Trail Network receives $1M for trash removal
Alaska Beacon: Alaska Beacon: University of Alaska will gain land under new federal budget law
Alaska Public Media: Alaska Public Media: ‘Arctic pay’ among the perks Congress is sending to improve military assignments in Alaska
Fairbanks Daily News Miner: Fairbanks Daily News Miner: Federal funding to support Yukon-Kuskokwim salmon projects
Alaska Beacon: Alaska Beacon: Private legislation signed by Biden ends legal limbo for former Alaska resident
Anchorage Daily News: Anchorage Daily News: University of Alaska set to receive thousands of acres of land in federal spending package
Alaska’s News Source: Alaska’s News Source: Woman granted immigration status adjustment after long battle — in Rep. Don Young’s final legislation
Frontiersman: Frontiersman: Murkowski brings home the bacon, including for Mat-Su
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