Articles & Op-eds

May 2009
Murkowski encourages fish diet for pregnant women
NOMINEE: Alaska senator fights confirmation of Hayes to Interior post.: Senate nod likely, though Murkowski objects
Stakeholders say legislation endangers Tongass Futures compromise: New bill would resolve Sealaska land issue
Originally published in the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, May 10, 2009: Federal budget cuts slash Alaska programs, defense
Sen. Kerry looks for window to ratify Law of the Sea
Senators address Arctic warming
Letter to the Editor: Service honored
April 2009
Senators want to expel junk food from US schools
Les Blumenthal : Ferry system bill could bring $200 million to Washington state
Lawmakers from Washington state and Alaska are teaming up to push for a dramatic increase in federal spending on ferry systems nationwide.: WA, Alaska lawmakers urge more spending on ferries
Bingaman, Murkowski Seek To Establish Energy Loan Agency
Senators Question Cost of New Police Radios
Murkowski Has Some Issues; But Pledges GOP Cooperation
Sen. Murkowski: Outlook for Passing Legislation Is Positive
Op-Ed: Murkowski: Outlook for Passing Legislation Is Positive
Jason Lamb and Rebecca Palsha: Murkowski unveils ANWR drilling plan to Legislature
Salazar hears Alaska perspectives on offshore oil and gas development
Senator Murkowski has lunch with the Ladies
Alaska senator, central in energy debate, sometimes is at odds with fellow Republicans: Going Her Own Way
Doctor says Sen. Murkowski expected to make full recovery from knee surgery
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