Press Releases
Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.
Murkowski: Extension Ensures Alaskans Can Have a Voice in Public Lands Planning Process
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement after the National Park Service (NPS) agreed to extend the public comment period on its proposed Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve (WRST) Backcountry and Wilderness Stewardship Plan and General Management Plan by an additional 30 days. The Service's announcement comes after Sen. Murkowski sent a letter to the Service calling on the agency to extend the comment period. "This extension will he… Continue Reading
Sen. Murkowski Comments on BLM’s Decision to Take Next Step on NPR-A Development
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement after the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced it will issue a Notice of Intent (NOI) to conduct an environmental review for a proposed oil and gas development project in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). "I am extremely pleased BLM is taking this vital first step toward additional development in the NPR-A. The initiation of the permitting process for the GMT-2 project builds on the suc… Continue Reading
Murkowski to Speak at Anchorage Chamber of Commerce’s “Make it Monday” Forum
WASHINGTON, D.C. - On Monday, July 25th, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski will speak at the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce's "Make it Monday" Forum. Senator Murkowski will provide a legislative update focusing on the delegation's work in Washington, D.C.. Murkowski will focus on the military investments coming to Alaska that will not only create thousands of new full-time jobs but prove vital to the security of our nation. She will also provide an update on the status of her broad energy bill which wi… Continue Reading
Murkowski Aims to Boost Prosperity in Alaska
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, has introduced new legislation that will significantly increase economic growth and create thousands of new jobs in Alaska while establishing vital revenue sources for the state and local governments. The measure, entitled the Alaska Economic Development and Access to Resources Act, reflects Murkowski's continued efforts to overcome federal resistance to responsible natural resource production in her home state. "Alaska has a wide array of… Continue Reading
Murkowski Issues Statement on Attack in France
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski issued the following statement on the terror attack that occurred in Nice, France last night: "Our hearts are with the people of France and all those who were affected by this heinous terrorist attack. We are grieving, praying, and sending strength to everyone who lost friends and family and the injured that are still fighting for their lives. "Officials say 84 individuals have been killed, 202 people wounded, with more than 50 in critical c… Continue Reading
Senate Passes Murkowski Bill to Ensure Tribal Employment Program Remains Intact
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) released the following statement after the Senate unanimously passed legislation she introduced to strengthen and reform Public Law 102-477 (also known as the 477 program), a comprehensive Native employment and training program: "The 477 program has proven to be an innovative and effective tool in providing education and training opportunities aimed to improve the quality of life in every region of Alaska. I am proud the Senate has recognize… Continue Reading
Alaska Delegation Introduces Stand-Alone King Cove Legislation
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, and U.S. Rep. Don Young, all R-Alaska, this week introduced identical bills in both chambers of Congress to facilitate a life-saving road for the isolated community of King Cove, Alaska. Without the road, local residents continue to be at the mercy of high winds, dense fog, and strong storms that prevent safe and timely transportation during medical emergencies. "It has now been more than 30 months since Sec. Jewell callousl… Continue Reading
Senators Press NDAA Conferees to Protect Basic Allowance for Housing
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), John Boozman (R-AR), and Jon Tester (D-MT) are leading a bipartisan effort urging Senate and House Armed Services Committee leadership to protect dual-military families, women and junior members of the Armed Forces. Boozman, Murkowski and Tester are joined by 15 Senators urging FY2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) conferees to eliminate changes to the military's Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) in the final version of the bill. The … Continue Reading
Senate Passes Bill Providing Tools to Fight Opioid Addiction
Today U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted in favor of the final version of the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA), to support community-based drug treatment programs and provide critical resources for those battling opioid addiction. CARA originally passed the Senate in March 2016 by a vote of 94-1, and went to conference committee to resolve the differences with the House version of the bill. Today's bill passed by a vote of 92-2 and now heads to the President's desk to be sig… Continue Reading
FAA Reauthorization Bill Heads to President’s Desk
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today U.S. Senator Murkowski voted for the FAA Extension, Safety, and Security Act of 2016, legislation that strengthens security at airports, improves safety measures for airlines, and makes travel easier for passengers. The bill also includes a provision Senator Murkowski has supported, the reauthorization of six Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) test sites for five years until 2022, which includes the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 89-… Continue Reading
Murkowski: Strong Senate Vote Sends Energy Bill to Conference
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today led the Senate's approval of a motion to proceed to a formal conference with the House of Representatives on S. 2012, her broad, bipartisan energy legislation. "This vote is a critical milestone that will allow Congress to begin the first conference on major energy legislation in more than a decade," Murkowski said. "While we have differences to resolve, I am confident we are up to the task. Our bicameral negotiations will begin immed… Continue Reading
Murkowski Comments on Administration's Latest Arctic Regulation
U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement after the Department of the Interior released its final regulation for energy development in the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). "I am reviewing this rule to determine whether the department took into account the substantive comments it received from Alaskans, including comments that were intended to resolve real defects in the draft proposal," Murkowski said. "What we know already is that one company invested nearly… Continue Reading
Murkowski Urges Senate to Mandate Labeling of GE Salmon
Today U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) spoke on the Senate floor prior to the final vote on S.764, the Biotechnology Labeling Solutions Act. The legislation would allow the Agriculture Department to determine which foods qualify as genetically modified and let companies choose the method of disclosing genetically modified organism (GMO) ingredients to consumers. On the Senate floor, Murkowski voiced her opposition to the bill because it does not mandate clear, unequivocal labels on geneticall… Continue Reading
Murkowski Wishes Alaskans a Happy Fourth of July
Today U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) shared the following message with Alaskans on Independence Day: "Happy Independence Day, Alaska! July 4th is a day when Americans join in celebration. Whether you are watching the big parade in Wasilla, joining in the egg toss in Wrangell, or racing Mount Marathon in Seward, Alaskans know how to celebrate. But as we come together today, let us remember the freedoms and liberties we enjoy as Americans are not free. The men and women of our armed forces pu… Continue Reading
Murkowski Presses Education Secretary on Important Education Issues for Alaska
Today U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski questioned Secretary of Education Dr. John B. King, Jr. on two issues of importance for Alaska's schools, students, educators, and communities-whether he would approve Alaska's request for a waiver from federal testing requirements, and whether he would rescind or exempt Alaska from a proposed new priority for federal competitive education grants. Murkowski began her exchange with Dr. King by following up on her questions from an April hearing and her June 23rd… Continue Reading
Cassidy, Murkowski, Scott, Sullivan, Tillis and Vitter Introduce Offshore Revenue Sharing Bill
US Senator Bill Cassidy, MD (R-LA), Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) introduced the American Energy and Conservation Act of 2016. This legislation will provide for more equitable revenue sharing for states involved in existing, new or future energy production from both onshore and offshore leasing areas. It also makes important investments in various conservation and … Continue Reading
Second Session of Summer Interns Arrive in Washington, D.C.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski welcomed her second session of summer interns to Washington, D.C. to assist in her office for three weeks. These recent high school graduates of the Class of 2016 will receive a behind-the-scenes look into the operations of a U.S. Senate office by shadowing Murkowski throughout the day, helping with administrative and clerical tasks, and assisting staff with research projects. "Each summer I look forward to having interns in my office, offering t… Continue Reading
Murkowski Supports Protecting Americans from Terrorists, Defending Second Amendment Rights and Civil Liberties
After the U.S. Senate voted on a series of legislative proposals this week in the wake of the Orlando tragedy, Murkowski issued the following statement: "I believe we can all agree that we want to keep Americans safe and keep guns out of the hands of terrorists, criminals, and the mentally unstable. However I also strongly believe that Americans should not be forced to prove their innocence before losing a basic right. If the government is going to deny a U.S. citizen the right to purchase a fi… Continue Reading
Murkowski: We Must Provide Firefighting Resources, End Fire Borrowing, and Improve Forest Management
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today received testimony on a bipartisan discussion draft entitled the "Wildfire Budgeting, Response and Forest Management Act", which would address the serious challenges of wildfire funding and forest management. Murkowski released the draft bill on May 25, 2016 with Ranking Member Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., and Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.; Jim Risch, R-Idaho; and Mike Crapo, R-Idaho. Click to view video "People across the country are realizi… Continue Reading
Murkowski: Help on the Way for Many Alaska Communities Facing High Energy Costs
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) today commended the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for announcing that nine grant applications to assist rural Alaska communities have made it to the final level of review under its High Energy Cost Grants Program, which is designed to assist families and individuals in areas with extremely high household energy costs. USDA is in the process of awarding $16 million through the program to upgrade local energy generation, transmission, and … Continue Reading