Press Releases

Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.


Murkowski Stresses Need for Arctic Policy, Pledges Commitment

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Murkowski spoke to the "Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations" today in downtown Washington, D.C. - the culmination of four events casting a spotlight on Alaska's prominent role in leveraging America's status as an Arctic nation. "I believe that the pace of change in the Arctic demands that greater attention be focused on the region," Murkowski said towards the end of her speech today at the Navy War Memorial. "… Continue Reading


Murkowski Introduces Bill to Improve Offshore Permitting Process

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, has introduced legislation to improve permitting of offshore oil and natural gas activity in Alaska and beyond. The Offshore Energy and Jobs Permitting Act would stop the Environmental Protection Agency's internal appeals process from being used to kill projects through delay. "We need to end the practice of outside groups using the appeals board to veto offshore energy development in Alaska and elsewhere," Murkowski said. "The EPA … Continue Reading


Murkowski Testifies to Promote Accelerated NPR-A Drilling

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today testified before a House Natural Resources subcommittee on the importance of reforming permitting processes that have stalled responsible development of critical oil and natural gas resources in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). While the Obama administration has promised to hold annual lease sales in NPR-A, the biggest obstacle to responsible oil and gas development is not the lack of leases but the inability of… Continue Reading



WASHINGTON, D.C. - Alaska's congressional delegation today sent the following letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar reminding him of his promise not to designate new wilderness areas in Alaska without the support of the state's elected representatives. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska: "I want to be unequivocally clear, there is no support from the Alaska delegation or the state of Alaska for any new legislative or administrative wilderness designations." Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska: "Th… Continue Reading


Murkowski, Wyden Introduce Bill Reforming CCFs for Fishermen

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senators Lisa Murkowski and Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) today introduced a bill that gives commercial fisherman - in Alaska, Oregon and those nationwide - added flexibility when it comes to funds they've set aside for renovations or new construction of their fishing boats. "Right now, the way this fishery finance program works is that we penalize fishermen in the wallet just as they're trying to retire," said Murkowski, the lead Republican sponsor of the bill. "By making a … Continue Reading


Murkowski: Does Drawdown Increase Risk For Alaska Troops?

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates to make certain the safety of Alaska-based troops recently deployed to Afghanistan does not decline as the military begins its planned drawdown this summer and reduces expenditures on the Afghanistan effort, asking "What assurances can you give me that our soldiers just now getting to Afghanistan and will be there for the next year, that their situation is not getting increasingly risky?" Secretary Gates… Continue Reading


Murkowski Welcomes Streamlined Process for Village Safe Water

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today applauded the new Memorandum of Understanding signed today - by Native, Alaska State and Federal representatives - as a crucial step forward in eliminating much of the bureaucracy delaying basic infrastructure such as water and wastewater projects in rural villages. "I am pleased that the language I made sure was in the 2010 Agriculture Appropriations Bill to streamline the Village Safe Water Program has gotten us to a simpler, smoother pro… Continue Reading


Murkowski, Begich Announce Mobile Office Visits to Kenai Peninsula

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich today announced that members of their staffs will visit the communities of Whittier, Cooper Landing, Seward, Ninilchik and Homer from June 20-23, 2011. Congressional staff members hold mobile office hours throughout the summer to meet with constituents and community leaders. During their mobile office hours, staff representatives will be available to take casework requests and listen to constituent concerns about issues related to… Continue Reading


Murkowski Votes to Reform Ethanol Subsidies

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today signaled her support for reforming federal ethanol subsidies by voting for an amendment to repeal the ethanol tax credit and import tariff. "The time has come to reform the most costly and least necessary assistance provided by the government," Murkowski said. "It's difficult to justify the continuation of these policies with the deficit set to exceed $1.6 trillion this year alone, and other federal support for ethanol product… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Lack of Forest Management Contributes to Wildfires

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, expressed frustration with the Forest Service's wildfire policies at a hearing today of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Murkowski, the ranking member of the committee, released the following statement: "Almost 10 years ago, we had a fire season very similar to the one we're now suffering. In response, Congress passed the Healthy Forest Restoration Act, which authorized thinning and other efforts to reduce the amou… Continue Reading


“More Questions Than Answers” in Federal Water Fish Farms

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Obama Administration recently announced plans to create policy that allows fish farms in federal waters, in an attempt to cut the nation's dependence on imported fish. Today, Senator Murkowski responded with serious reservations: "While I recognize the motivation to increase aquaculture production in the United States, NOAA's new Marine Aquaculture policy raises far more questions than answers. My first question would be whether NOAA even has the jurisdiction to … Continue Reading


Murkowski Says More is Needed in Disaster Declaration

U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich today released the following statement after the Obama Administration declared a disaster exists for the State of Alaska for flooding that occurred in the Interior between May 8-13, 2011. Sen. Begich and Sen. Murkowski sent a letter to the Administration on Monday asking FEMA to support the disaster declaration as requested by the Governor on June 1. "The President's declaration is a start but I continue to express concern that FEMA will not ma… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Legislation Needed to Address Critical Minerals Supply Chain

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today underscored the importance of developing a domestic supply of critical minerals during a subcommittee hearing held by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. "There is no question that a stable and affordable supply of minerals is critical to America's future competitiveness," Murkowski said. "Yet, our mineral-related capabilities have been slipping for decades, leaving the United States heavily dependent on forei… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Fund New Technologies with Revenue from Increased Traditional Production

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today expressed support for energy efficiency and vehicle technology legislation, while suggesting using revenue from increased oil and gas production to pay for such programs. "As we look to pay for legislation that comes before us, I continue to believe that our best path forward is to produce more of our own abundant resources and use some of the resulting federal revenues to fund alternatives that reduce consumption," Murkowski… Continue Reading


Murkowski Seeks FEMA Assurances On Alaska’s Protection Levels

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today pushed Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Craig Fugate for an assurance that Alaska is protected equally to the communities in the Lower 48. "Communities like Crooked Creek and Red Devil do not get news coverage like Joplin, Missouri or the Mississippi River communities affected by natural disasters," said Murkowski. "But I'm asking for an assurance on their behalf, because they worry our disaster response request is at the bo… Continue Reading



WASHINGTON, D.C. - The senior members of Alaska's congressional delegation, Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Don Young, today welcomed the decision by the Environmental Protection Agency to not oppose a proposed railroad bridge across the Tanana River in Interior Alaska. The bridge was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of the Alaska Railroad's Northern Rail Extension. The project would extend rail service 80 miles from North Pole to Fort Greely, home to the U.S. Army's mis… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Trio of Bills Support All of the Above Energy Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today expressed support for three proposals that would advance an all-of-the-above energy strategy by removing restrictions on the use of alternative fuels and promoting development of small modular nuclear reactors. Murkowski, the ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, is a cosponsor of all three bills, which were heard before the committee Tuesday. "Prioritizing the use of all of the domestic natura… Continue Reading


Begich & Murkowski Support State’s Disaster Declaration Request

Alaska's U.S. Senators Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski are urging the Obama Administration to approve a federal disaster declaration for this spring's floods in Interior Alaska as requested by Governor Sean Parnell on June 1. In a letter to President Obama, Begich and Murkowski detail the devastation caused in the villages of Crooked Creek and Red Devil as the result of the seasonal ice jam flooding along the Kuskokwim River. "These isolated areas of Alaska make emergency response chall… Continue Reading


Murkowski Responds to Interior’s New Directive on Wild Lands Designations

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following statement regarding Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's decision to abide by the prohibition, contained in the 2011 continuing budget resolution, on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) designating new public lands as "Wild Lands." "I appreciate Secretary Salazar's commitment to me that the BLM will not pursue wild lands designations in Alaska," Murkowski said. "Both the Senate and the House have been clear … Continue Reading


Murkowski Announces First Session Summer Interns

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. Lisa Murkowski today announced the names of her first session summer interns who will work in the Senator's Washington, D.C., office next month. These young Alaskans will observe the operations of a fast-paced Senate office and the legislative process from an up-close view. For the first summer session, running June 6-July 1, 2011, Murkowski has selected Graeme Campbell from Sitka, Joseph Kelly of Thorne Bay, Bernadette Mays and Cherise Beatus from Fairbanks, Sil… Continue Reading

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