Press Releases

Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.


Murkowski Welcomes Record Number of Women Senators

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today welcomed the beginning of the 113th Congress and the record twenty women Senators who will work together to deliver results for their constituents and the nation. In a nationally-televised interview airing this evening, Senator Murkowski shares her focus on Alaska's concerns with ABC World News Tonight's Diane Sawyer, and explains how the women of the Senate often collaborate without egos - encouraging young Americans to step outside of their "comfo… Continue Reading


Murkowski Retains Committee Assignments

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today announced she will continue the momentum she has built for Alaska in the 113th Congress, maintaining her assignments to the Energy and Natural Resources, Appropriations, Indian Affairs, and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committees - all key positions for Alaska's unique needs. "These Senate Committee assignments I've been privileged to have represent a critical intersection of Alaska's policy concerns. I thank the Senate Republican Leadershi… Continue Reading


Murkowski Votes to Protect 366,000 Alaskan Households from Tax Hike

WASHINGTON, DC - With taxes on every Alaskan taxpayer scheduled to rise at the beginning of 2013, Senator Murkowski today voted for H.R. 8 that would avoid a tax hike on Alaskans who make less than $400,000 or families making less than $450,000, along with staving off across-the-board sequestration cuts in federal programs for 2 months - in an attempt to avoid the so-called "fiscal cliff." The bill passed by a vote of 89-8 with overwhelming, bipartisan support. Senator Murkowski issued the fol… Continue Reading


Murkowski Votes for Alaska’s Fisheries, Coastal Relief

As Alaskans continue to grapple with the hardships from recent disasters - fisheries shortfalls and tsunami debris washing ashore - Senator Murkowski today voted in support of the Supplemental Appropriations Bill H.R. 1 that will provide a financial response to federally-recognized disasters across the country, from Alaskan fisheries to East Coast communities still reeling from Hurricane Sandy. However, when spending was proposed that did not serve the purpose of relief or response - whether f… Continue Reading


Murkowski Votes For Greater Scrutiny of Government Surveillance

Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted against final passage of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Authorization (FISA) Extension bill H.R. 5949, which would extend for five years the ability of federal intelligence agencies to engage in warrantless wiretapping practices. Murkowski's long-standing and deep-seated concerns about unchecked government encroachment have gained urgency lately, with the possibility of U.S. citizens being wiretapped during surveillance of international calls. Despite … Continue Reading


Murkowski and Wyden Unveil Bipartisan Campaign Finance Disclosure Blueprint

Senator Lisa Murkowski today unveiled a blueprint for campaign finance disclosure reform she drafted with her colleague Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR). In an opinion piece that will be featured in the Washington Post print edition tomorrow morning, Murkowski makes the point that the rest of the nation would be better served by following Alaska's example - which has been lauded by watchdogs nationwide for the high bar it raises for real-time transparency. Wyden and Murkowski's plan (attached below) … Continue Reading


Murkowski Concerned by “Troubling” FDA Advancement on Frankenfish

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to the Food and Drug Administration [FDA] environmental assessment decision to move forward into the public comment period on genetically-modified fish against her warnings and those of hundreds of watchdogs: (Murkowski: FDA ignoring the opposition of fishing groups, 300 organizations.) "I am concerned with the recent news that FDA is moving forward with the approval of genetically modified fish. This is especially troubling as the age… Continue Reading


Murkowski Eielson Delay Emerges in Final Defense Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski was proud to vote for the final version of the National Defense Authorization Act that includes numerous priorities she advocated for to support Alaska's military servicemen and communities - most notably, the added time she pushed for blocking any equipment or aircraft movement nationwide until 2014 from an Air Force Commission's findings. The final "Conference Report" - the product of both House of Representatives and Senate negotiators - also include… Continue Reading


Murkowski Responds to John Kerry’s Nomination for Secretary of State

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to President Barack Obama's nomination of Senator John Kerry to be the next Secretary of State with the following statement: "The global picture as we look to 2013 is tremendously complicated, and I know Senator John Kerry has a deep understanding of all the variables at play right now in the most unstable areas. Anyone who has worked with Senator Kerry knows his hard work ethic and his expertise on foreign relations. His solid understand… Continue Reading


Murkowski Proud to Modernize NOAA Officers Program

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski is proud the bipartisan bill she co-sponsored, S. 2388, the NOAA Commissioned Officers Corps Amendment Act, passed the United States Senate unanimously tonight - assuring that present and future NOAA Corps members operating ships and aircraft receive the same benefits and conditions granted to those who serve in the other six uniformed service of the United States. "The men and women who make up the NOAA Corps are our eyes and ears on Alaska's key front… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Maniilaq Land Transfer Means Health Care Gains in Kotzebue

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today was proud to see her U.S. Senate colleagues unanimously approve HR 443, which transfers the deed for several acres of property in Kotzebue from the Indian Health Service (I.H.S.) to the Maniilaq Association and gives them "unencumbered ownership" so they can fully develop and expand their health care facilities autonomously. The bill passed includes Senator Murkowski's substitute amendment, which strengthens the bill's ability to deliver on its prom… Continue Reading


Murkowski to Akaka: We Work in the ‘Aloha Spirit’

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today took to the United States Senate floor to compliment and honor the departing Hawaiian Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI), standing 20 feet away from her friend and colleague to thank him, express her appreciation - and give him a hug afterwards. (Senator Murkowski discusses the Hawaii/Alaska connection. CLICK to watch.) "As neighbors in the Pacific, Hawaii and Alaska have always shared a special bond, not only because of our geography, not only because… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Benghazi Investigation “Confirms My Worst Concerns”

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to an independent review of the September attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that finds the security there to have been grossly inadequate in addition to systemic failures in communication and leadership - and which has led to the resignation of three State Department officials: "The release of today's independent investigation into the September 11th attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya unfortunately confirms my … Continue Reading


Senator Murkowski Announces 2013 Service Academy Nominations

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today proudly announced the names of 33 Alaska high school seniors she is nominating for appointment to the U.S. military service academies for the class of 2017. "This year's group of highly motivated men and women embody the strength of character and depth of knowledge we expect to see in our future leaders - both in the armed forces and in our communities," Murkowski said. "Each and every year, I am honored to nominate such accomplished Alaskans to o… Continue Reading


Murkowski Pays Tribute to “Alaska’s Third Senator” Daniel Inouye

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today spoke on the United States Senate floor, paying her respects to longtime Hawaiian Senator and legendary lawmaker Daniel K. Inouye on behalf of Alaskans who feel as if they've lost a member of the family - saying of his legacy that "a big tree has fallen" and "He never let us down." If you would like to watch the speech in its entirety, click here: Below are three selected excerpts, c… Continue Reading


Murkowski Honors “New Veteran,” Student Advocate Nichole Tovar

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski is releasing her 7th Veteran Spotlight installment today, featuring Nichole Tovar, a U.S. Army veteran who served as a nurse in the Baghdad Green Zone and continues her service in the U.S. Army Reserves, as well as being a proud advocate and representative for young veterans of our current conflicts. Nichole Tovar grew up in Palmer, Alaska, and joined the Army as soon as she turned 18. During her Veteran Spotlight interview she recalls a powerful draw to… Continue Reading


Murkowski Comment on Passing of Senator Daniel Inouye

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today reacted to the news that Hawaiian Senator Daniel Inouye, a longtime ally to the state of Alaska, passed away at the age of 88: "I am deeply saddened to hear that we lost Senator Daniel Inouye today. Senator Inouye was a soldier, a hero, a statesman, a patriot, a gentleman and a true friend to all Alaskans. His loyalty was as solid as a rock, and his commitment to his principles and his country was something you could bank on." "Senator Inouye e… Continue Reading


Murkowski Hires New Fisheries, Economics Policy Experts

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today announced the hiring of Jay Sterne to advise her as she shapes effective federal fisheries policies for the nation - and the hundreds of thousands of square nautical miles off Alaska's shores that fall under federal jurisdiction. Sterne, a twenty year veteran of fisheries and Arctic policy discussions, brings intellectual heft to a key position for a state where the fishing industry and emerging Arctic possibilities represent a growing economic engin… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Federal Worker Retirement Wave in Alaska Presents Local Hire Opportunity

WASHINGTON, D.C. - With up to 10 percent of Alaska's federal workforce retiring in two weeks because of financial incentives, Senator Lisa Murkowski is urging federal hiring managers in Alaska to take advantage of the Alaska National Interest Land Conservation Act (ANILCA) local hire program that she restored in the 2012 Department of the Interior spending bill. Local hire job postings, like the recent ones at Kenai Fjords National Park, give preferred employment status to Alaskans because of Mu… Continue Reading


Murkowski Proudly Votes for First Filipino-American Federal Judge

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The United States Senate today voted 91-0 today to confirm Lorna G. Schofield to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York - becoming the first Filipino American to serve on the federal bench. Senator Murkowski cast her vote in support of the confirmation and had the following comment afterwards: "It's expected that in about a decade, one out of every four Alaskans will be of Filipino heritage - and today's vote is a historic force not only for our nation… Continue Reading

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