Press Releases
Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.
Murkowski: Protecting Women is “Key Measuring Stick” for Afghanistan Progress
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today joined forces with six U.S. Senate colleagues in introducing the bipartisan Afghan Women and Girls Security Support Act that would require the Pentagon to put specific processes into place protecting women and girls in Afghanistan - and make that a condition of American forces transitioning out of the country. "A country and a culture can be judged by how it treats the vulnerable within its borders, and the security of women is a serious concern … Continue Reading
Murkowski: Knowledge, Research Key to Salmon Fisheries Future
WASHINGTON, DC-Senator Lisa Murkowski today thanked Governor Sean Parnell for the 5 year/$30 million Chinook Salmon Research Initiative he unveiled in Kenai, saying: "We were all deeply troubled by this summer's salmon runs, not only for the short-term struggles it caused, but also for the long-term unanswered questions itraised. We can't fully deal with the issues we may be facing without hard data and science to guide our thinking. I worked to restore millions in the 2013 Commerce, Justice … Continue Reading
Murkowski Praises Edward Itta Pick for U.S. Arctic Research Commission
WASHINGTON, DC -Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to the White House intention to appoint Edward Itta of Barrow to the U.S. Arctic Research Commission with the following statement: "As the nation works towards its Arctic future, it is imperative that we advance well-considered policy to fully leverage our potential as an Arctic Nation. Edward Itta is an extremely intelligent choice for the United States Arctic Research Commission (USARC) as he has been considering Arctic policy and potent… Continue Reading
Murkowski Applauds Loans for Disaster-Struck Fishery Businesses
Senator Lisa Murkowski welcomed news from the Small Business Administration that low-interest federal disaster loans are being made available to some Alaskan businesses hit hard by the 2012 Chinook Salmon Fishery disaster during this summer's fishing season. Though the Department of Commerce already declared a commercial fishery failure for the Kuskokwim, and Yukon Rivers, along with the Upper Cook Inlet, this decision allows Alaskan businesses impacted by the low king runs to begin recovering … Continue Reading
Murkowski Encourages Alaskans to Shop Small and Locally
Senator Lisa Murkowski today encouraged Alaskans to support Small Business Saturday and support Alaska's small business community, offering the following remarks: "Thanksgiving weekend is an opportunity to catch up with family and friends, watch some football, eat some turkey - and is the official beginning of holiday shopping season. I want to encourage Alaskans to support our small businesses this weekend through Small Business Saturday. "Whether you're in or around Fairbanks, Anchorage, Ke… Continue Reading
Murkowski Working to Simplify Port Workers ID Process
Senator Lisa Murkowski is urging the Department of Homeland Security streamline the process for Alaskans working in the maritime industry who need to renew their Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card, a security badge required for access to the state's ports and marinas. Presently, Alaskans suffer from a complicated process that means at least two separate visits to a handful of locations closed more than they are open. In her letter to the Secretary of Homeland Security (… Continue Reading
Murkowski Honors Gulf War Veteran, Founder of Alaska Veterans Organization for Women
WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski is releasing her 6th Veteran Spotlight installment today, featuring U.S. Army veteran Vanessa Meade - who served on the front lines during the Gulf War. Meade continued her service in the National Guard, then came to Alaska where she created the Alaska Veterans Organization for Women last year. During the First Gulf War, Vanessa Meade was a military police officer in Iraq, charged with transporting potentially-dangerous prisoners of war - frequently fin… Continue Reading
Murkowski: Alaskan Federal Retirees Facing 6-9 Months Without Benefits
WASHINGTON, D.C. - With up to 10 percent of Alaska's federal employees estimated to be retiring by year's end, Senator Lisa Murkowski is pushing the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to fix its broken system for distributing and processing retirement benefits which currently are running at a 6 to 9 month backlog. Because of an expiring provision in how pension benefits are calculated, federal employees in Alaska are expected to retire at a higher rate than normal at the end of this year. Bu… Continue Reading
Murkowski Honors Ted Stevens Legacy at Arlington Cemetery
WASHINGTON, DC -In honor of what would have been Senator Ted Stevens' 89th birthday, Senator Lisa Murkowski visited his gravestone at Arlington National Cemetery, and offered the following reflections: Click the image above for a link to video of Sen. Murkowski at Ted Stevens Grave "On November 18th, we celebrate the birthday of Ted Stevens - he would have been 89 years old this year. Here at Arlington we remember Ted and his life of service to our country, to the state of Alaska, to his f… Continue Reading
Murkowski Comments on Justice Department Decision on BP Spill
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following comment regarding the $4.5 billion in federal penalties imposed on oil company BP for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill that killed 11 people. I'm pleased that BP, the Justice Department and the SEC have reached a settlement," Murkowski said. "While no amount of money will compensate for the lives lost in or the environmental damage done by the explosion, I hope that this will provide a measure… Continue Reading
Murkowski Honors America’s Veterans Across Alaska and at Arlington Cemetery
WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today participated in the National Veterans Day Commemoration, held at Arlington National Cemetery - the culmination of a month of honoring and serving Alaska's veteran community in state, as well an extended period of legislative actions in Congress benefitting men and women nationwide who defended the country in conflicts abroad. Senator Murkowski Speaks About the Solemnity of Veterans Day at Arlington Cemetery (Click image for link to video) The onl… Continue Reading
“We Must Serve Those Who Served Our Nation”
Senator Lisa Murkowski today offered the following statement in honor of Veterans Day: "On this Veterans Day of 2012, I thank every single man and woman who has worn the uniform of our armed forces. When challenges presented themselves to the cause of freedom and liberty around the world, these Americans stepped up and served - often facing dangerous, life-threatening enemies. "While Veterans Day is certainly a solemn one, where we humbly offer our deep gratitude - it is also an optimistic oc… Continue Reading
Murkowski Pushing Obama to Keep VA Secretary Shinseki
With President Obama's recent re-election a reality and potential administration changes looming, Senator Lisa Murkowski is strongly encouraging President Obama to retain Veterans Affairs Secretary General Eric Shinseki, calling on the White House to keep him in place by pointing out the "sea change" Alaska's veterans are seeing with across-the-board improvements in care and services under his leadership. In a letter sent to the White House two days before Alaska and the nation celebrates Veter… Continue Reading
Murkowski Announces Over $9 Milion for Winter Heat Aid
Senator Lisa Murkowski today announced that $9.7 million dollars is being directed to Alaska through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in the Fiscal Year 2013 Continuing Resolution. Earlier this year, Senator Murkowski joined a bipartisan effort to include language in the current continuing resolution that assured that the Obama Administration would allocate federal funding at the Fiscal Year 2012 level. Otherwise, the White House had planned to reduce funds from $3.47 bil… Continue Reading
Murkowski's Veterans Spotlight Becoming Alaskan Attraction, Educational Tool
WASHINGTON, D.C. - To kick off Veterans Day weekend, Senator Lisa Murkowski has presented her Veteran Spotlight interviews to the Alaska Veterans Museum and is working with Alaskan school districts for it to be used in civics and history classes. The Museum has embraced the interviews as a way to both honor Alaska's veterans and educate the public on military service. As of now, the Kuspuk, Anchorage and Fairbanks North-Star Borough school districts are discussing incorporating the interviews i… Continue Reading
Senator Murkowski’s Statement on President Obama’s Re-election
Senator Lisa Murkowski tonight issued the following statement upon the announcement that President Barack Obama has clinched a second term in office: "I congratulate President Obama and Vice President Biden on their re-election tonight. While the presidential race was hard fought on both sides, I think this election process has demonstrated that Americans want us to work together to solve the difficult problems facing our nation. "In his second term, I am hopeful that President Obama will see … Continue Reading
Murkowski: Alaskan Air Carriers Shouldn’t Be “Held Hostage”
After pushing the Department of Interior repeatedly to settle their delinquent debts with a number of Alaskan charter air carriers, Senator Lisa Murkowski today shared the news with Alaskans that tens of thousands of dollars owed to pilots and businesses is on its way: "Alaskans have a very low threshold for red tape and bureaucracy out of Washington, DC, and it is inexcusable that a number-crunching maze at the Interior Department has left our air carriers and pilots waiting for months to get … Continue Reading
Murkowski “Outraged” by Benghazi Attack Developments
ANCHORAGE, AK - As questions continue to emerge from the continuing inconsistencies in official accounts of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Senator Lisa Murkowski issued the following statement and call to action: "I am outraged to hear reports that the United States Government failed to address security needs in Libya, even more with reports that trained personnel on the ground were discouraged from responding to reports of trouble at our Consulate in Benghazi. The adminis… Continue Reading
Murkowski Honors Army Veteran, ATG Member Earl Wineck
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski is releasing her 5th Veteran Spotlight installment today, featuring Earl Wineck of Anchorage - an Alaska Territorial Guard (ATG) member and U.S. Army veteran. In 1934, before World War II, Wineck's father headed to the Matanuska-Susitna Valley to make a place for his family. Two years later, Earl's mother took the rest of the family to Alaska in a Studebaker to join up with his father and begin farming. In 1942, Wineck joined the ATG at 15, the earlie… Continue Reading
Murkowski Joining Alaska National Guard on Little Diomede Trip
ANCHORAGE, AK - Senator Lisa Murkowski is going to Little Diomede Island in the middle of the Bering Strait this Friday to get a first-hand look at the community's challenges and military infrastructure needs. The first U.S. Senator to visit the island since Senator Ted Stevens, Murkowski will join Major General Thomas Katkus, Adjutant General of the Alaska National Guard, and Rear Admiral Thomas P. Ostebo, Commander of the Seventeenth District United States Coast Guard to survey the island and… Continue Reading