Press Releases

Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.


Murkowski Takes Frankenfish Fight to Senate Floor

WASHINGTON, D.C. -Senator Lisa Murkowski today filed an amendment to require a comprehensive analysis of the environmental and economic impacts of genetically-engineered fish by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The legislation would mean the same NOAA analysis and standards in place for federal fisheries would be required before the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves genetically-modified salmon. The FDA is presently evaluating the scientific and biological … Continue Reading


Murkowski Opening Statement at Clean Energy Standard Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today gave the following opening statement at a hearing on legislation to create a Clean Energy Standard (CES) before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee: (Click photo to view video) "One of the wonderful things about this committee is the quality of feedback we receive, and the role it plays in informing our decision-making. "Some of the issues that we consider are quite complicated, and require considerable though… Continue Reading


General Odierno Commits to “Alaska Future” With Murkowski

WASHINGTON, D.C. -Senator Lisa Murkowski today met with United States Army Chief of Staff General Raymond T. Odierno, discussing Alaska's unique advantages that will benefit the U.S. Army as the Pentagon moves forward with an Asia-Pacific focus. During the meeting, Odierno emphasized the pivotal role Alaska plays - from a geographic perspective, as well as a training ground - and said that he will put together an "Alaska Future" team to work with her on the path forward. General Odierno said … Continue Reading


Murkowski Statement on Senate Budget Proposals

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The United States Senate voted on five separate budget proposals this afternoon: those submitted by the President, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA), Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Senator Mike Lee (R-UT). None of the bills passed the threshold necessary to proceed - and President Obama's received zero votes for the second year in a row. Senator Murkowski cast 'yes' votes for Senator Toomey's and Congressman Ryan's budget plans - sharing this statemen… Continue Reading


Murkowski to EPA: Alaskans Concerned over "Reputation for Abuse"

WASHINGTON, D.C. -Senator Lisa Murkowski today took the opportunity of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson's Senate committee appearance to share the concerns of many Alaskans over federal overreach. Jackson fielded questions about the EPA's 2013 budget before the U.S. Senate Interior Appropriations subcommittee, where Murkowski is the ranking Republican. "A Reputation for Abuse" - Washington Post Senator Murkowski opened her remarks by pointing out a recent edit… Continue Reading


Murkowski Questions EPA’s Expansion of Fracking Study

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today questioned EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson about the agency's expansion of a study of hydraulic fracturing beyond what was authorized by Congress. (Click photo to view video) Murkowski asked Administrator Jackson if the agency was prejudging the findings of the study. The question was prompted in part by a previous case in which EPA seemed to blame the process of hydraulic fracturing in natural gas production for water contamination. "T… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Interior Report Flawed for Second Year in a Row

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following comment regarding the Department of the Interior's report attempting to show that millions of acres of oil and gas leases are not being developed in a timely manner. "The administration claims that just 3 percent of leases in Alaska are producing, without acknowledging that the federal bureaucracy is largely to blame for that dismal percentage," Murkowski said. "Companies are doing everything in their power … Continue Reading


Murkowski’s Committee Work Delivers Veterans Care, Military Construction

WASHINGTON, D.C. -Senator Lisa Murkowski today secured a number of provisions in the FY2013 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill that will deliver significant advancements in "Care Closer to Home" for Alaska's veterans community - including internal reviews of improvements needed to better deliver medical care in state. Funding secured by Senator Murkowski will result in over $18 million for firing range construction work at both Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson and Fort… Continue Reading


Murkowski Comments On Rural Post Office Hour Changes

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski had the following reaction to today's announcement from the United States Postal Service that - rather than enact targeted closures to rural post offices nationwide - it has determined that cutting business hours would save more money and do less harm to smaller communities: "I have always said that I would fight any cut from any government service that hurt Alaska disproportionately -- and it appears the USPS is attempting to address its tough financia… Continue Reading


Murkowski to PACOM Head: “Location, Location, Location”

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today met Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III, U.S. Navy, Commander of the Pacific Command (PACOM) on the eve of a classified briefing before the U.S. Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee on which Murkowski sits. The two shared their opinions on the dangers facing the United States from the Pacific-Asia region, with the Senator stressing Alaska's geographic advantage in dealing with the Pentagon's new priority area. "I was pleased to have a few moment… Continue Reading


Coast Guard: U.S. Should Have 3 Heavy, 3 Medium Icebreakers

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The funding priorities and needs of the United States Coast Guard took center stage today at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee held at Senator Murkowski's request. Spurred on by USCG Commandant Admiral Robert Papp's recent comments that the U.S. is "behind the power curve regarding the Arctic," Murkowski drilled down into multiple issues critical to Alaska. During testimony, Papp informed Murkowski and the committee that Alaska "lucke… Continue Reading


Murkowski Urges NOAA to Help Alaska’s Fishermen Deal With Debris

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Hearing tsunami debris concerns rising among Alaska's fishermen, Senator Lisa Murkowski reached out to NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco, pushing for information on the status of ongoing prevention and monitoring efforts. "Alaska is already experiencing higher levels of debris than typical, particularly off Montague and Kayak Islands in the Prince Williams Sound area," Murkowski notified Lubchenco in a letter (attached). "I respectfully request that the National Oceanic and … Continue Reading


Murkowski: Senate Should Swiftly Take Up Svinicki Nomination

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following comment on the White House's nomination of Kristine Svinicki to a second term on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Svinicki's current term expires June 30. "Kristine Svinicki's leadership on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has earned her the admiration of members of Congress from both sides of the political aisle. She's an experienced and fair-minded regulator who deserves to be swiftly reconfirmed to … Continue Reading


Murkowski and Young Salute USCGC Healy Captain and Crew

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski and Representative Don Young today welcomed the Commanding Officer of the United States Coast Guard Cutter Healy to a U.S. Capitol briefing they requested. The officer shared information surrounding the ship's emergency January mission when it cut a path for fuel delivery through miles of sea ice to Nome. Though the presentation's tone was positive, both Murkowski and Young used it as an illustration of the nation's need for a more robust Arctic fleet.… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Student Loan Bill “Solves One Problem by Making Another Worse”

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted against raising taxes on small businesses to pay for maintaining the current student loan interest rate for one year when S.2343, the Student Loan Bill came up for consideration on the Senate floor - while expressing hope that a more responsible solution would be agreed upon in the future. Senator Murkowski had the following statement after her vote: "College graduates in Alaska and across the country today face two obstacles: rising colleg… Continue Reading


Murkowski Announces First Session Summer Interns

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today announced the names of her first session summer interns who will work in her Washington, D.C., office next month. Just weeks after graduating from high school, these young Alaskans will observe the operations of a fast-paced Senate office and the legislative process from an up-close view. For the 1st session - running June 4-June 29, 2012 - Murkowski selected Arianna Cocallas, Connor Toohey, Michelle Fernandez and Elizabeth Wheatall of Anchorage;… Continue Reading


Murkowski Lauds Potential Alaska Tribal Health, VA Partnership

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Veterans Administration plans to unveil an agreement that could allow rural Alaska veterans to receive healthcare benefits at Native health clinics for the first time. Senator Murkowski had the following response to the announcement: "Coming from rural Alaska didn't keep thousands of Alaskans from serving their country, and Alaska's veteran community should not be kept from the medical care they need because of geography. From my first day in the U.S. Senate, ensuring … Continue Reading


Murkowski Welcomes J-1 Visa Approach

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. State Department today announced changes to the J-1 summer visa program will not prohibit Alaska's seafood processing facilities from utilizing the program until at least November 2012. Senator Murkowski had the following response to the decision: "Alaskans place the highest priority on hiring state residents; that's why our unemployment rate is below the national average. But seafood processors tell me the J-1 visa program allows them to add critical seasonal staff… Continue Reading


Murkowski Comment on TransCanada’s Keystone XL Application

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), today issued the following statement on TransCanada's decision to reapply for a permit to build the Keystone XL pipeline across the U.S.-Canada border: "Allowing the Keystone XL pipeline to bring Canadian oil across our border to our Gulf Coast refineries should be a simple economic decision," Murkowski said. "It will not only enhance our trading relationship with one of our greatest allies, it will also bring badly needed jobs and red… Continue Reading


Murkowski Congratulates Alaska’s Presidential Scholars

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Alaskan high school seniors Brigit M. Noon and Alec P. Pankow were named as U.S. President Scholars today by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Senator Murkowski had the following response to the news: "Now more than ever, high school students have competing priorities, pressures and interests - not to mention added distractions their parents didn't have. That's why we should especially congratulate Brigit and Alec today as being among only 141 students across the nation … Continue Reading

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