Press Releases

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‘Ask Lisa’ Webcast Premieres on Murkowski’s YouTube Page

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today recorded and posted to YouTube her first 'Ask Lisa' webcast in which she answered questions from constituents submitted through new media platforms Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and by email. "In an effort to be more accessible and responsive to Alaskans, I've instituted a new webcast called 'Ask Lisa' that will give constituents a chance to send me their questions and I'll answer as many as I can by video and post the clip on my YouTube… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski Welcomes Administration’s Spill Response Efforts

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, the ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today welcomed President Obama's efforts to strengthen the federal response to the tragic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Murkowski specifically singled out the move to beef-up the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, increase available funding for the U.S. Coast Guard and enhance research and study of the use of chemical dispersants as smart, targeted responses t… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski: Answers to Deepwater Horizon Tragedy Vital to Nation’s Energy Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today led questioning of the companies involved in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill for a full explanation of what went wrong on the Gulf of Mexico drilling rig and what steps can be taken to minimize such risks in the future. "We often cite our nation's strict safety and environmental laws for oil and gas development as a means to reassure Americans that we can responsibly develop our resources, but this argument will ring hollow if those s… Continue Reading


Murkowski Issues Statement on Nomination of Elena Kagan for the U.S. Supreme Court

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement after President Obama announced that he was nominating Solicitor General Elena Kagan for the United States Supreme Court: "I congratulate Elena Kagan on being nominated by President Obama for the United States Supreme Court. As a senator, I have a constitutional duty - one that I take seriously -- to examine and evaluate a judicial nominee's qualifications to ensure that the candidate has the right tempe… Continue Reading


Murkowski Statement on the Passing of Former Gov. Wally Hickel

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement on the passing of former Gov. Wally Hickel: "I am deeply saddened to learn of former Gov. Wally Hickel's passing. A man of deep vision, intense strength and strong backbone, Wally embodied the Alaskan spirit of liberty and independence, and I join all Alaskans in mourning his passing. "Wally had a truly remarkable career, one that spanned Alaska's history from territory to state. He was twice elected Al… Continue Reading


Murkowski Bill to Benefit National Law Enforcement Museum Passes Senate

WASHINGTON, D.C. -U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today announced that the Senate has passed legislation she introduced to extend the deadline by three years for construction of the National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington, D.C. Passed by Congress in 2000, the National Law Enforcement Museum Act granted land for construction of a new National Law Enforcement Museum. The legislation required the museum to be financed with private contributions and that construction commence before Novem… Continue Reading


Murkowski Quizzes Attorney General Holder on NYC Terrorist Suspect and 9th U.S. Circuit Court Split

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today asked Attorney General Eric Holder whether he was satisfied with the "takedown" of the suspected New York City terrorist bomber, questioning how Faisal Shahzad, after being placed on a 'no fly' list, got onto a Persian Gulf-bound jet that had pulled away from the gate at New York's Kennedy Airport before authorities made an arrest Monday night. "I come from a state where ... we've got a level of scrutiny at our little airports ... whe… Continue Reading


Sens. Murkowski and Begich Introduce Legislation to Raise Oil Spill Liability Fund to $10 billion

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich have introduced legislation to expand the federal Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) to $10 billion by raising the fee the oil industry pays on each barrel. The bill (S.3309) also removes the "sunset" provisions in the law so the fund will always be accessible to those impacted by oil spills. Nothing in the bill would limit the liability of oil companies or other responsible parties. "The liability fund provides a critical, indus… Continue Reading


Murkowski Comments on Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, vice chair of the Senate Republican Conference, today said there would be plenty of time to "assign blame" in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but the major focus at this time should be on "how we contain this devastation." "There's a lot of focus right now, folks want to bring the individuals from BP, get the execs in here, and basically start pounding them," Murkowski said at the weekly Republican Leadership news conference. "My interest ri… Continue Reading


Alaska Delegation Comments on ANWR Comprehensive Plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Alaska Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich along with Representative Don Young today submitted a joint letter commenting on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USF&WS) proposed Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The USF&WS held a public meeting for the plan in Washington, D.C. as one of seven scoping meetings. The letter acknowledges the 22-year-old plan for ANWR needs to be updated, but voices strong objection … Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski Seeks Answers Regarding the Explosion on the Deepwater Horizon

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today said it's imperative that tough questions are asked about what caused the tragic explosion on the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico to ensure the integrity of the nation's offshore energy policy. "As we look to expand exploration off our nation's coasts, it's critical that we take every possible precaution to guard against similar accidents," Murkowski said. "It's imperative that we find out everything we can ab… Continue Reading


Wyden, Murkowski Bill Would Lift Restrictions on Fishermen’s Use of Capital Construction Accounts

Washington, D.C. - Recognizing changes in the commercial fishing industry and the need to create new jobs and prevent overfishing, Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced legislation today that will give America's fishermen greater flexibility in how they can use money set aside in special capital construction funds. "The Capital Construction Fund program was created in 1976 to help modernize the American fishing industry so it could compete with highly efficient foreign … Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski Welcomes Permitting Decision on Cape Cod Wind

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today welcomed Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar's decision to allow the Cape Wind development to advance. "After nearly a decade of rigorous and unprecedented environmental review, I'm pleased to see Cape Wind has finally won federal approval," Murkowski said. "Increasing our use of renewable energy, including wind generation, is vital to improving our nation's energy security." Cape Wind will be the nation's first offshore wind proje… Continue Reading


Murkowski Comments on Financial Regulatory Reform Votes

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following statement after the Senate for a second time this week rejected a move to take up the Democrats' financial regulatory reform bill. All Republican senators, along with Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, voted against a parliamentary motion to debate the bill. "I strongly support bipartisan financial regulatory reform legislation, and my two votes this week against moving to floor consideration of the bill we… Continue Reading


Murkowski Emphasizes Interior Military Concerns at Senate Appropriations Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. - A top Air Force official today told U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, that a coal-to-liquid plant at Eielson Air Force Base is still under consideration. Murkowski questioned Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations Terry Yonkers about the issue at a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Military Construction Subcommittee. "We've heard that the concept of coal-to-liquids, which was really quite popular in the last administration, has kind of now gone out of vo… Continue Reading


Murkowski on Gulf of Mexico Tragedy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement after learning that the Deepwater Horizon rig has sunk into the Gulf of Mexico: I was dismayed to learn that the Deepwater Horizon rig has now sunk into 6000 feet of water in the Gulf of Mexico. We do not yet know how this development will affect the marine environment, but I understand all emergency spill response units in the Gulf have been mobilized. My thoughts and prayers remain with the missing… Continue Reading


Sen. Murkowski’s Web Site Wins Platinum Mouse Award

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Web site of U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, was recognized today by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) for having the best Senate Member Web site in Congress. CMF analyzed all 620 congressional Web sites, including those of all Senate and House Members, committees (both majority and minority sites), and official leadership sites. Sen. Murkowski's Web site,, was one of only four Web sites to receive a Platinum Award from CMF i… Continue Reading


Sens. Murkowski and Inhofe Ask Defense Secretary Gates to Consult with Alaska Natives and Indian Tribes on 8(a) Contracting Issue

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and James Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, today asked Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to hold formal consultations with federally recognized Indian tribes and Native stakeholders on the development of new federal regulations regarding Alaska Native Corporation sole source contracts. The Fiscal Year 2010 Defense Authorization bill included language requiring a new government-wide justification and approval process for sole source contracts above $20 … Continue Reading


Citing Icelandic Volcano Eruption, Murkowski Urges Passage of Her Volcano Early Warning and Monitoring Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today said the eruption in Iceland that has disrupted air travel across Europe underscores the threats posed by volcanic activity and she called for passage of her National Volcano Early Warning and Monitoring System bill that awaits Senate action. "Given what has been happening to thousands of international aviation flights since last week with the eruption of Iceland's volcano, we've all had a very recent reminder of the economic disrupti… Continue Reading


Murkowski Congratulates Elmendorf on Commander-in Chief’s Award

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In remarks published in the Congressional Record, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, congratulated Elmendorf Air Force Base for winning the 2010 Commander-In-Chief's Award for Installation Excellence. Established by the President in 1984, the Commander-in-Chief's award recognizes the efforts made to enhance base services, facilities, operations and quality of life. "Elmendorf has truly had a banner year. Having won the Collier Trophy, Raytheon Trophy, Maintenance excellence… Continue Reading

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