Press Releases

Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.


Murkowski: Does Indian Health Service Have “Deaf Ear” With Village Built Clinics?

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski took the opportunity of Maniilaq Association President Ian Erlich's Senate testimony to spotlight the chronic underfunding for Alaska's village built clinics by the Indian Health Service (I.H.S.) There are over 150 such clinics in Alaska - with most being the only local option for health care - and Murkowski asked Erlich about the "unresponsive" stance of the agency on requests for payments, and the absence of simple communication with Alaskans. "What h… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Administration is Running Out of Excuses

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today spoke on the Senate floor about the importance of developing America's energy resources to reduce our dependence on OPEC, to create jobs and to raise revenues to address the ballooning deficit without raising taxes. (Click photo to watch video) "Mr. President, the events of the past week are a very clear and direct reminder to us of the need to choose to end our nation's dependence on imported oil. I will remind my colleagues, th… Continue Reading


Murkowski Votes For Veterans Jobs Corps

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted to move forward with the Veterans Job Corps Act - legislation that would create opportunities, transitional services and job training for 20,000 members of the post-9/11 veteran community presently facing a 10.9 percent unemployment rate nationwide. In addition to helping employ our recent veterans, the bill was also intended to address a huge backlog of infrastructure projects and federal land work. The bill failed to pass a procedural 60-… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Unfair for FERC to Continue Collecting Land-Use Fees on Non-Federally Owned Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today questioned administration witness on her legislation to prohibit the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) from collecting land-use fees from hydropower projects on land that the federal government no longer owns during a Water and Power Subcommittee hearing in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Under the Federal Power Act, FERC is authorized to collect reasonable annual fees from project owners for the "use, en… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Eielson Strategic Pause Applies to Environmental Assessment

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski sat down with U.S. Air Force General Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle - the newly-installed Commander of the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) - today to stress her belief that the "strategic pause" on the relocation of the F-16 Aggressor Squadron from Eielson Air Force Base and all military structure movements requires that the Air Force defer a Natural Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) evaluation of the move for at least one year. After an exchange of letters between … Continue Reading


Murkowski Recaps her Visit to North Dakota’s Bakken Region

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, and Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., toured oil production facilities and associated sites in North Dakota's Bakken region on Monday and Tuesday. The two-day tour of western North Dakota's oil patch highlighted the economic boom occurring in parts of the Heartland where energy development is being embraced as an opportunity to create jobs, drive economic activity and deliver the energy America needs. "It's amazing to see how quickly things are hap… Continue Reading


PACAF to Murkowski: Demolition Halted on Three Eielson Buildings

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski received a response to her September 5th letter to the incoming Commander of the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) - Air Force General Herbert J. Carlisle - informing Murkowski that he is taking her suggestion to postpone the demolition of key facilities at Eielson Air Force Base and ordering that "planned demolition be halted on all three buildings, and that [2 buildings] be transferred to Alaska Air National Guard Control." The demolition announcement is we… Continue Reading


Murkowski Celebrates 225th Anniversary of U.S. Constitution With Alaskans, Students

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today is U.S. Constitution Day, marking the 225th anniversary of its signing. Senator Lisa Murkowski today released the following reflection to Alaska and students learning American history statewide: (click to watch video) "Happy Constitution Day, Alaska. I think that the anniversary of our country ratifying this incredible document is a day worth celebrating - and a day of us remembering our roots over the last 225 years. "Just look at the first three words in the … Continue Reading


Murkowski Comments on Shell’s Revised Drilling Plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today made the following statement after Shell announced that it is revising its plans for the 2012-2012 exploration program, forgoing drilling into hydrocarbon zones this year: "I'm disappointed with the news, but believe Shell has made the right decision, keeping safety paramount," Sen. Murkowski said. "Arctic oil development is critical to the United States as we pursue independence from OPEC imports." "The events in the Middle East o… Continue Reading


Murkowski Conducting North Dakota Resource Tour

Senator Lisa Murkowski is traveling to North Dakota on Monday for a two-day tour of oil and natural gas development in that state's Bakken Region with Senator John Hoeven, her colleague on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. North Dakota and Alaska are national energy leaders, ranking, respectively, the second and third largest oil- producing states in the nation. The Senators will visit oil and natural gas production sites - including an oil rig, gas plant and rail station -- t… Continue Reading


Murkowski Protects Equal Footing for Rural Alaskan Energy Needs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski's amendment that would clear the way for rural biomass energy demonstration projects (energy derived from plants/wood) to be allowed in Alaska passed unanimously in the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs today. The Committee was considering S1684, the Tribal Energy Bill, which contains a provision for tribes to participate in such projects - particularly tribes in the lower 48 - and Murkowski's amendment creates the same opportunities in Alaska for Nativ… Continue Reading


Alaska Delegation Lauds Commerce Fisheries Disaster Declaration

The Department of Commerce today declared a resource disaster for the Yukon River, Kuskokwim River and Upper Cook Inlet Chinook salmon fisheries - making future federal resources and aid possible for impacted regions. On behalf of Acting Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco shared the news with each member of Alaska's Congressional Delegation individually Thursday morning - with the Alaskan lawmakers responding in appreciation of th… Continue Reading


Murkowski Presses White House for Transparency on Federal Cuts

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski issued the following statement after the White House failed to meet the Congressionally-required September 7th deadline to inform Americans about wide-ranging budget cuts on the horizon - after she co-sponsored legislation imposing the deadline on the President: "The nation is currently facing over an undefined 100 billion in spending cuts to next year's federal budget, and the President has yet to indicate how and where these cuts will be made through… Continue Reading


Murkowski: We Need to Act Soon on Nuclear Waste Issue

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today made the following opening statement during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on S. 3469, the Nuclear Waste Administration Act of 2012: "Mr. Chairman, thank you for holding this hearing on a topic that needs to be resolved in order for nuclear energy to play the role that it is capable of in meeting our energy needs. While I have been skeptical regarding the need to delay progress on resolving these issues whil… Continue Reading


Murkowski Condemns Attack of U.S. Consulate in Libya

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski had the following statement regarding the recent attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which took the lives of four Americans including the American Ambassador to Libya, John Christopher Stevens: "I condemn and am saddened by the violent death of four Americans in Benghazi, including our American Ambassador in Libya. Chris Stevens was a public servant who saw a senseless death while only trying to build bridges in a fragile part of the worl… Continue Reading


Murkowski Remembers September 11th

WASHINGTON, D.C. - As the United States Senate commemorated the 11th anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on America with the entire country, Senator Lisa Murkowski today released the following statement: "I remember, as many do, exactly where I was on this day eleven years ago. On that Tuesday morning the United States suffered a terrible attack that resulted in almost 3,000 immediate deaths. When we think of 9/11, we remember the shock, horror and feelings of helplessne… Continue Reading


Murkowski Honors Victoria Green, Theresa Huebler as Angels in Adoption

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski today congratulated Victoria Green and Theresa Huebler of Anchorage as 2012 Angels in Adoption for their outstanding parenting and advocacy for adoption in Alaska and nationwide. Green and Huebler took in two of four siblings as foster children and cared for them for an extended time. After a series of events - including the two foster kids being returned to their parents and Green's deployment abroad as a member of the Alaska Air National Guard - the … Continue Reading


Murkowski Responds to Japan’s $6M Tsunami Debris Contribution

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda announced this weekend that the Japanese government will provide $6 million to America's five Pacific coastal states and Canada's British Columbia province to help fund clean up efforts related to the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Senator Lisa Murkowski had the following response to the news: "Countries on both sides of the Pacific are sharing the worries and risks connected to the Fukishima earthquake and tsunami, so I thank the Japanese governmen… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Small Communities Generating Big Energy Ideas

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Fresh off a tour of Yukon River communities, Sen. Lisa Murkowski said she is optimistic about the future of rural Alaska after seeing firsthand local efforts to address high energy costs. Sen. Murkowski spent three days in the Interior last week visiting communities on the upper and middle Yukon River, including Beaver, Stevens Village, Tanana, Ruby, Galena, Kaltag, Grayling and Holy Cross. Sen. Murkowski praised the initiative shown by Tanana and Ruby leaders to employ lo… Continue Reading


Murkowski Asks PACAF Commander: Is Eielson Downsizing Plan Continuing?

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Murkowski today sent a welcome letter to the incoming Commander of the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), while taking the opportunity to lay out serious concerns about whether the Air Force is proceeding with plans to relocate the F-16 Aggressor Squadron away from Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks. Despite the Alaska Congressional Delegation being told on June 26th that the proposed relocation - and the considerable downsizing that would result from the staff shift to J… Continue Reading

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