Press Releases

Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.


Murkowski Honors Vietnam Veteran, Alaskan Veteran Advocate

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski is releasing her 12th Veteran Spotlight installment today, featuring Ron Travis of Big Lake. Travis, a U.S. Navy veteran who served in Vietnam, has devoted his life to serving his fellow veterans. These days, Travis is working to start the Last Frontier Honor Flight, the first non-profit in Alaska dedicated to bringing veterans to Washington, DC to visit the memorials dedicated to their service. During his Veteran Spotlight interview, Travis talks about … Continue Reading


Murkowski Rips Border Crossing Fee Proposal

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today voiced her concerns over the wide range of harmful consequences Alaska and other border states would suffer if a proposed border-crossing fee becomes a reality for vehicle and even pedestrian traffic - from restricting tourism and trade to greatly limiting access to shopping, dining, and attending religious service. She shared these scenarios in a letter to both the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as well as the ranking members of the Senate H… Continue Reading


Murkowski Reducing Red Tape Dragging Down Alaska Aviation

WASHINGTON, D.C.-Senator Lisa Murkowski today introduced bipartisan legislation aimed at modernizing outdated Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification policies currently bogging down small aircraft manufacturers with Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). The Small Aircraft Revitalization Act of 2013 updates the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) archaic part certification processes to improve safety, decrease costs and encourage innovation. "As we mark the centennial of Alaska aviation,… Continue Reading


Murkowski Working to Update “Eight Track Era” Chemical Protections for Alaskans

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today co-sponsored a major national toxic substance protection bill, in order to protect the health of Alaskans - as well as the state's wilderness, wildlife and waters. The Chemical Safety Improvement Act of 2013 is the first update of restrictions and guidelines of consumer products in over 35 years and protects Alaskans from new chemical risks that have arisen in the last generation while still creating an opportunity environment for manufacturers to i… Continue Reading


Murkowski: Alaskans Have “Groundhog Day” Syndrome With U.S. Forest Service Frustrations

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today continued to criticize the agenda and bookkeeping of the United States Forest Service (USFS) on behalf of Alaskans in a hearing of the Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee, where she serves as the top ("ranking") Republican in influencing the Department of Interior's funding priorities and policies. In a exchange with the Director of the USFS, Murkowski pointed out the wrongheadedness of attempting to seize money back from Southeast Alaska ti… Continue Reading


Murkowski Fills Appropriations, Transportation Job Position

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski is welcoming Allison Nyholm to her legislative team in Washington, D.C, where Nyholm will focus on appropriations, transportation and aviation matters - particularly those unique to Alaska's skies. Raised in Soldotna, Nyholm joins Senator Murkowski's office after working on Alaska-specific policies for the better part of a decade, including 5 years for the State of Alaska as the Associate Director for the Office of the Governor in Washington, D.C. - where … Continue Reading


Murkowski: NCLB Waiver is “Regulation Light”

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today responded to the news that the U.S. Department of Education has approved Alaska's waiver request from the one-size-fits-all No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law, a decision that brings new requirements from the federal government: "I appreciate the Secretary's openness to giving us an alternative to the punitive pessimism of the law, but worry this news amounts to little more than 'regulation light' for us to have new boxes to check off. Two years ago, … Continue Reading


Murkowski Co-Sponsors “Reality Check” for Health Care Reform

WASHINGTON, DC - With over two million Americans potentially facing a cut in work hours as employers attempt to avoid the costly health care mandate, Senator Lisa Murkowski is co-sponsoring the Forty Hours is Full Time Act (S.701) to redefine full-time employee status within the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to the conventional 40 hour workweek. The law presently defines "full-time employee" as thirty hours, which could lead to dramatic decreases in take-home pay for Americans nationwide, especiall… Continue Reading


Murkowski Comments on DOE Approval of Freeport LNG Export License

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today issued the following statement on the Department of Energy's approval of a license to Freeport LNG to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to nations that aren't party to U.S. free-trade agreements: "This decision is a victory for those who believe free trade is good for the American economy. It's my hope that Freeport is the first of many projects that will be approved in the coming weeks and months, not years. The shale gas revolut… Continue Reading


Murkowski Recruits Military Bases to Improve Fitness and Help Youth “Shape Up”

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today co-sponsored legislation with her colleague Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) to address the alarming rate of military recruits falling short on basic fitness requirements - often making them unfit for service - by introducing the Fit to Serve Act. The bill would boost nutritional awareness for youth and help improve fitness and health among military age Americans by providing military leaders the ability to voluntarily open their base's sports fields, gyms … Continue Reading


Murkowski on Senate Floor: The Arctic is the Place to Be

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today laid out her vision of an Arctic future for America as an Arctic nation on the floor of the United States Senate, citing the wide range of opportunities presented as sea ice recedes and opens up new tourism, resource development and shipping possibilities. Having just returned from the Arctic Council Ministerial Meetings in Kiruna, Sweden with the American delegation, Murkowski's speech carried an optimistic tone, but she shared her concerns that Am… Continue Reading


Murkowski Statement on IRS Acting Commissioner Announcement

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski issued the following statement after the announcement from President Obama that the acting IRS commissioner was asked to resign on Wednesday. The announcement comes just days after the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) Inspector General (IG) found that IRS officials singled out conservative nonprofit groups for review: "This is a first step at restoring trust, but it is the first step of a very long road - the administration has much further to go. The… Continue Reading


Murkowski Working to Extend Sexual Assault Protections to Coast Guard

WASHINGTON, DC - After co-sponsoring two separate bills to crack down on military sexual assaults and enhance the protections allowed to victims, Senator Lisa Murkowski is co-sponsoring bipartisan legislation to help the men and women who wear the United States Coast Guard uniform: The Coast Guard STRONG Act. Presently, USCG members have been exempt from provisions under the National Defense Authorization Act that offer victims certain legal rights, since they serve within the Department of Home… Continue Reading


Murkowski Holding Alaskan Tele-Conference on Arctic Council

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Senator Lisa Murkowski will hold a media availability on Thursday, May 16th at 12 noon AKDT with the Alaska press corps to discuss her recent trip to the 2013 Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Kiruna, Sweden - where she worked to advance responsible Arctic policy and opportunities through discussions with international leaders from other Arctic nations. (Senator Lisa Murkowski, Secretary of State John Kerry and Assistant Secretary of State Kerri-Ann Jones) CLICK HERE … Continue Reading


Murkowski: “North to the Future Means Now”

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today landed in Kiruna, Sweden for the biennial Arctic Council Ministerial meeting to sit down with international leaders from the seven other Arctic nations and determine intelligent and responsible Arctic policy, while sharing approaches to the opportunities and challenges arising with the emergence of the region. "The world is awakening to the fact that 'North to the Future' means now," said Murkowski. "As important as building infrastructure in Ameri… Continue Reading


Murkowski Fighting for Arctic Ports, Alaska Priorities in Senate Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. - With the U.S. Senate considering S.601 the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) to address infrastructure priorities on America's coasts and rivers, Senator Lisa Murkowski today introduced three separate amendments to boost Alaska's emerging Arctic opportunities and address the needs of other vital waterfront areas in Seward and Haines. "Port and harbor investment is essential to so many Alaskan communities in Alaska, and I'm glad the Senate has taken up this bill dealing w… Continue Reading


Alaska Veterans Saluted by Library of Congress

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski's "Veteran Spotlight" was recognized this morning at a Library of Congress event as a model of the 'Best Practices' for its Veterans History Project - an effort to share the oral accounts of war from America's veteran community and inform future generations of their bravery and valor. Murkowski launched her "Veteran Spotlight" series last Memorial Day, and Alaskans from the Alaska Territorial Guard to veterans of our present military conflicts have shared… Continue Reading


Murkowski Responds to National Arctic Strategy

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today welcomed the administration's Strategy for the Arctic Region, to set a tone for the Arctic Council's meeting next week in Sweden - where she has been invited to join Secretary of State John Kerry due to her leadership on Arctic issues on Capitol Hill. She offered the following response: "I welcome the release of the Administration's National Strategy for the Arctic Region, identifying strategic priorities for the United States in the Arctic Region … Continue Reading


Murkowski Welcomes Review of Denali Commission Operations

WASHINGTON, DC - After a series of meetings with the Government Accountability Office (GAO) explaining why she requested "a top to bottom" review of the Denali Commission, Senator Lisa Murkowski has received word (letter attached) that the federal oversight watchdog will conduct the work she initiated earlier this year. The Commission - an important federal-state partnership directing grants to infrastructure projects - has been beset by concerns about its management and organizational structur… Continue Reading


Corps of Engineers Pledges Engagement, Transparency on Fort Greely Biomass Plant

WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today pushed the U.S. Corps of Engineers for progress and improved engagement with the Delta Junction community as the Corps proceeds with the Fort Greely biomass plant project - which could provide efficient, affordable electricity for the region within a few years. Having just met with several members of the Delta Junction community last week (picture below), she shared their frustrations at not having been engaged by the Corps of Engineers for their in… Continue Reading

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