Press Releases
Media Requests: Members of the media can contact the press office by emailing or by calling 206-302-8317 and asking for the press office.
Universal Service Fund Reform Protects Alaska
WASHINGTON, DC - Alaska's Congressional Delegation remains committed to fighting for Alaskans to ensure that the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) reform of the Universal Services Fund (USF) continues to provide support for the telecommunications services in rural America, including rural areas of Alaska. The FCC voted on October 27 to reform the USF, part of a major effort to overhaul a system that was designed in the early days of the Internet, when services came through dial-up phon… Continue Reading
Murkowski Speaks on Importance of Spurring Critical Minerals Domestic Production
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today delivered the following remarks at the National Center for Policy Analysis' "Rare Earths, Critical Metals, and National Security" conference in Washington, D.C.: "Good afternoon, and thanks for the invitation to join you here. "I also want to thank NCPA - and everyone attending this conference - for taking time to focus on our nation's mining industry. Not enough attention is paid to the positive impact it has on our daily lives … Continue Reading
Murkowski Presses Coast Guard on Needed Icebreaker Action
Washington, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today urged the United States Coast Guard to move forward with a required analysis, in order to move closer to a decision point on acquiring new icebreakers for the Arctic - as they are nearly three weeks past the deadline for providing that analysis to Congress. "There are different options being proposed for the acquisition of new icebreakers," Murkowski wrote. But the Coast Guard needed to get a Business Case Analysis (BCA) to Congress by October 15th… Continue Reading
Rural Alaska’s Heat, Housing, Infrastructure Getting Support
Washington, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted in support of an appropriations bill combining three separate spending bills - referred to as a 'minibus' bill - that passed the U.S. Senate, containing millions in essential supplies and services for rural Alaska. Murkowski serves on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee and 6 different Appropriations Subcommittees. Many Alaskan imperatives have been addressed through the appropriations process, including: High Energy Cost Grants: $10 mi… Continue Reading
Murkowski at Economic Town Hall: “This is the Fight We Fight Every Day As Alaskans”
WASHINGTON D.C. - Just a week after holding economic town halls in three Alaskan communities, Senator Lisa Murkowski today released video from her presentations to make the information more accessible to all Alaskans to hear her thoughts about getting the nation on a stable financial path."I was happy to speak with so many Alaskans last week and share the DC situation with them," said Murkowski. "But I realize that I was only able to talk with a fraction of the state's residents about a situati… Continue Reading
Appropriations “Minibus” Delivers Alaska Needs
Washington, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted in support of an appropriations bill combining three separate spending bills - referred to as a 'minibus' bill - that passed the U.S. Senate and contain millions for projects and necessary work in Alaska. Murkowski serves on the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee and 6 different Appropriations Subcommittees. The 'minibus' bill (HR 2112) includes the Agriculture spending bill with the Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill and the Tran… Continue Reading
Murkowski Tours "The Future of the Coast Guard" Cutter
WASHINGTON, DC - Senator Murkowski today toured the United States Coast Guard Cutter Stratton (WMSL-752) - the newest cutter in the fleet - as it transited the Chesapeake Bay, taking advantage of the visit to meet several Alaskans on board, along with Vice Admiral Manson Brown, Commander of the Pacific Area. "Alaska's waters are the future of fisheries, shipping, commerce, and tourism - so I wanted to take full advantage of an opportunity to visit a ship that represents the future of the Coast … Continue Reading
Murkowski: Court Decision Should Spur More Timber Sales
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following statement in response to the federal court of appeals ruling that the U.S Forest Service's Logjam Timber Sale complies with federal environmental laws: "I congratulate the U.S. Forest Service on coming up with a successful template for responsible timber sales in the Tongass National Forest," Murkowski said. "Now that the Logjam sale has been cleared by the courts, the Forest Service should take this opportunit… Continue Reading
Murkowski Welcomes Independent Review of DOE Loans
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following statement in response to the Obama Administration's decision to order an independent review of recent renewable energy loans made by the Department of Energy: "I welcome the administration's decision to conduct a serious review of the stimulus loan guarantee program," Murkowski said. "There are many questions that have yet to be answered about Solyndra, and the Department of Energy's administration of the progr… Continue Reading
Murkowski: No Time to Lose to Advance Alaska Natural Gas
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today urged Alaskans to consider all options for commercializing the state's huge natural gas resources on the North Slope, including expediting construction of a pipeline as far as Fairbanks. "The world is seeing massive changes in terms of natural gas supply and markets, and Alaskans must be able to adjust to those changes. Back in February, I asked the Legislature to be ready to consider new options on a gas line, so I welcome the g… Continue Reading
Delegation Questions Possible Closures of Fairbanks Post Offices
The Alaska Congressional Delegation is expressing concern over the decision to move forward on possible closure of the post offices on Alaska's Fort Wainwright and Eielson Air Force Base. After learning yesterday that the United States Postal Service (USPS) has taken the next step toward closing the two offices, the delegation today sent a letter to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe questioning the calculations used to arrive at the decision to consider closing. The letter expresses concern th… Continue Reading
Murkowski: Congressional Approval Needed to Change OSM
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following statement regarding Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's order to combine the Office of Surface Mining (OSM) into the Bureau of Land Management (BLM): "I'm deeply concerned about this proposed unilateral action. If it were simply a consolidation of administrative functions, that is something I could support. According to Interior's release, however, it appears that the proposed merger would be much more extensive a… Continue Reading
Murkowski Welcomes Kip Knudson, Gov. Parnell’s New Director of State and Federal Relations
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Sen. Lisa Murkowski today released the following statement on Governor Sean Parnell's announcement of Kip Knudson as Director of State and Federal relations in his Washington, D.C. office: "Governor Parnell informed me this morning that he has selected Kip Knudson to be Alaska's new Director of State and Federal Relations and I was happy to hear it. "I've known Kip since my time in the Alaska State Legislature, and worked with him on vital Alaska issues in Washington. He h… Continue Reading
Delegation “Extremely Concerned” about SBA HUBZone Changes
Washington, D.C. - Alaska's Congressional Delegation sent a letter to Small Business Administration Administrator Karen Mills expressing serious concern over the decertification of several Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) areas in Alaska, which could cost 101 small businesses' working in the state's most distressed areas federal contract opportunities statewide. Firms located in the Aleutians West, Denali, Fairbanks North Star and Matanuska-Susitna boroughs were all notified o… Continue Reading
Murkowski Meets With Nation’s Highest Ranking Military Officer
ANCHORAGE, AK - Senator Lisa Murkowski today met with General Martin E. Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson during his first visit to Alaska since being confirmed in late September. General Dempsey serves as the principal military adviser to the President, the Secretary of Defense and the National Security Council - by law, he is the nation's highest-ranking military officer. Taking advantage of the Chairman's brief stop in Alaska, Senator Murkow… Continue Reading
Sen. Murkowski: Roadless Ruling Hurts Alaska
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following statement regarding the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that upheld the Clinton-era Roadless Rule prohibiting most economic activity in nearly 50 million acres of national forests. "I am disappointed in the court's ruling. The roadless rule never made sense for Southeast Alaska, where 98 percent of the land is federally owned. Previous agreements with the federal government recognized that fact and su… Continue Reading
Murkowski Votes For Commerce Nominee Bryson
Senator Lisa Murkowski today voted for John Bryson, President Obama's Nominee to head the Department of Commerce, issuing the following statement afterwards: "I voted to confirm Mr. Bryson, but not without reservations. Though his experience in fisheries is lacking, he has received strong support across many sectors of our business community." "Just prior to the vote, I spoke with Mr. Bryson and received personal assurances that not only is he committed, but he knows and understands the signi… Continue Reading
WASHINGTON, D.C. -As Congress debates a path for long-term financial stability, Senator Lisa Murkowski today announced that during the upcoming October recess next week, she will be holding a series of economic town halls to share with Alaskans her view of the decisions ahead - and to hear from Alaskans about their thoughts. "While the 'Super Committee' works on Capitol Hill, I want to open up this process to all of Alaska," said Murkowski. "This issue touches every Alaskan and every town, and… Continue Reading
Murkowski Applauds Settlement of Seward Peninsula Lands Claims
WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, released the following comment upon Senate passage yesterday of the Salmon Lake Land Selection Resolution Act, which ratifies a settlement between the state of Alaska, the federal Bureau of Land Management and the Bering Straits Native Corp., completing land conveyances promised in the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA): "As we near the 40th anniversary of passage of ANCSA, it is great news that legislation resolving the r… Continue Reading
Murkowski: Social Security COLA Increase is Welcome News
Washington, DC - Senator Lisa Murkowski had the following reaction upon hearing the news that Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits will increase 3.6% at the beginning of 2012: "America is facing a series of difficult decisions and rethought priorities when it comes to dealing with our nation's mounting debt and deficit, but for those who rely on social security -and can tell you the day of the month it comes in the mail - this is welcome news." Some other changes tha… Continue Reading